Public Speaking(演講)和conversation(談話)自然大有不同,盡管并非每個人都有機會發表演講,但總有在公開場合,或工作上的較正式的發言,此時,掌握一些要點也是很重要的。
1. READ ALOUD EVERY DAY(每天朗讀) This is indispensable to your greatest progress in speech culture. Reading aloud, properly done, compels you to pronounce the words, instead of skimming over them as in silent reading. It gives you the additional benefit of receiving a vocal impression of the rhythm and structure of the composition.
Keep in mind the following purposes of your reading aloud:
1. To improve your speaking voice.改善嗓音
2. To acquire distinct enunciation.發音清楚
3. To cultivate correct pronunciation.讀音準確
4. To develop English style.培養風格
5. To increase your stock of words.增加詞匯量
6. To store your memory with facts.腦中有實例
7. To analyze an author's thoughts.分析作者思想
8. To broaden your general knowledge.擴大知識面
2. FORM THE NOTE-BOOK HABIT(習慣記筆記) Keep separate note-books for the subjects in which you are deeply interested and on which you intend some time to speak in public. Write in them promptly any valuable ideas which come to you from the four principal sources—observation, conversation, reading, and meditation.(觀察,談話,閱讀,思考)
You will be surprized to find how rapidly you can acquire useful data in this way. In an emergency you can turn to the speech-material you have accumulated and quickly solve the problem of "what to say."
Keep the contents of your note-books in systematic order. Classify ideas under distinct headings. When possible write the ideas down in regular speech form. Once a week read aloud the contents of your note-books.
3. DAILY STUDY YOUR DICTIONARY(每天閱讀詞典) Read aloud each day from your dictionary for at least five minutes, and give special attention to the pronunciation and meaning of words. This is one of the most useful exercises for building a large vocabulary.
Develop the dictionary habit. Be interested in words. Study them in their contexts(上下文). Make special lists of your own. Select special words for special uses. Note significant words in your general reading.
Think of words as important tools for public speaking. Choose them with discrimination in your daily conversation. Consult your dictionary for the meanings of words about which you are in doubt. Be an earnest student of words.
4. SYSTEMATICALLY DEVELOP YOUR MENTAL POWERS(系統提高思維能力) Give some time each day to the development of a judicial mind. Learn to think deliberately and carefully. Study causes and principles. Look deeply into things.
Be impartial(公平)in your examination of a subject. Study all sides of a question or problem. Weigh the evidence with the purpose of ascertaining the truth.
Beware the peril of prejudice. Keep your mind wide open to receive the facts. Look at a subject from the other man's viewpoint. Cultivate breadth of mind. Do not let your personal interests or desires mislead you. Insist upon securing the truth at all costs.
5. DAILY PRACTISE COMPOSITION(每天練習寫作) Frequent use of the pen is essential to proficiency in speaking. Write a little every day to form your English style. Daily exercise in writing will rapidly develop felicity and fluency of speech.
Test your important ideas by putting them into writing. Constantly cultivate clearness of expression. Examine, criticize, and improve your own compositions.
Copy in your handwriting at least a page daily from one of the great English stylists. Continue this exercise for a month and note the improvement in your speech and writing.
6. PRACTISE IMPROMPTU SPEAKING(練習即興發言) At least once a day stand up, in the privacy of your room, and make an impromptu speech of two or three minutes. Select any subject which interests you.Aim at fluency of style rather than depth of thought.(重流利輕思想)
In these daily efforts, use the best chest voice at your command, enunciate clearly, open your mouth well, and imagine yourself addressing an actual audience. A month's regular practise of this exercise will convince you of its great value.
7. STUDY SUCCESSFUL PUBLIC SPEAKERS(研究成功的演講者) Hear the best public speakers available to you. Observe them critically. Ask yourself such questions as these:
1. How does this speaker impress me?
2. Does he proceed in the most effective manner possible?
3. Does he convince me of the truth of his statements?
4. Does he persuade me to act as he wishes? 5. What are the elements of success in this speaker?
As you faithfully apply these various suggestions, you will constantly improve in the art of public speaking, and so learn to wield this mighty power not simply for your personal gratification but for the inspiration and betterment of your fellow men.
摘自Model Speeches for Practise 作者Grenville Kleise
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