1.It Pays to Get Along 相處之道并不容易
"The No. 1 thing in job security is your relationship with your boss. Even if he says, ‘I’m sorry I really wanted to keep you, but they made me lay you off,’ that’s almost never true. He probably made that decision.” –Cynthia Shapiro, former human resource executive and author of Corporate Confidential: 50 Secrets Your Company Doesn’t Want You to Know. “要想保住工作,你同上司的關系至關重要。哪怕他跟你說,‘我也是情非得已,都是他們讓我這么做的’,你也千萬別信以為真。能夠做出最終決定的很可能就是他本人。”——辛西婭?6?1夏皮羅,曾擔任人力資源執行員,著有《公司機密:公司絕不想讓你知道的50個秘密》。
"Even in jobs where you test applicants and those with the top scores are supposed to get the job, I’ve seen hiring managers fix scores to get the people they like." –HR representative in the manufacturing industry. “雖然有些應聘者資質很高,但有時候公司只會選擇他們喜歡的、適合的人才。”——制造工業的某個人事代表。
2.Let's Be Real 玩的就是真格
"Networking does not mean using Facebook or Linked In. It means going to events, getting your face in front of people and setting up informational interviews." –A human resources professional in New York City. “網絡并不僅僅表示逛Facebook或Linked In這樣的社交網站。你得動點真格,不斷推銷自己,積累招聘信息。”——紐約的某個專業人事經理
3.Give Me Space 尊重HR的個人空間
"If you have a question, come to my office. Don't corner me in the bathroom." –HR professional at a mid-sized firm in North Carolina. “如果你有問題,別在洗手間煩我,直接到辦公室來。”——北卡羅來納州一家中型企業的人事經理
"My LinkedIn profile is for myself, a way for me to find another job. It's not a way to find a job with me." –A human resources professional in New York City. “我在LinkedIn網站上的信息是私人的,我也得靠這個尋找新機會。所以,別用那個來跟我討工作。”——紐約的某個專業人事經理
4.Be Professional 請“職業化”
"I know many of you met your former spouse at the company. But the thing is, for every one of you, there are five people it doesn't work out as well for. And your office romance can and will be held against you." –Kris Dunn, chief human resources officer at Atlanta-based Kinetix who blogs at HRcapitalist.com. “可能很多人都在職場上遇到了曾經的另一半。問題是,這種情況十之八九都不容樂觀。所以,辦公室戀情很可能會成為你事業上的絆腳石。”克里斯?6?1鄧恩,Kinetix在亞特蘭大分公司的首席人事經理,并在網站HRcapitalist.com上寫有博客。
"If you're unemployed, do something: take classes, meet people, go to industry meetings, start a blog, read a book a week. Just don't sit on the couch and eat Doritos." –Ben Eubanks, HR professional in Alabama. “如果你失業了,就別在那兒無所事事:去上上培訓課,多跟人打打交道,參加行業會議,寫寫博客,或者讀書也行。只是別癱在沙發上靠吃多力多滋零食打發時間。”——本?6?1尤班克斯,阿拉巴馬州的專業人事經理
5.We Pay Attention Selectively 我們在觀察你
"You're right to be paranoid. The company is always watching you, and there's a record of everything you do: every phone call, every text, every tweet and instant message. At most companies, they save that data forever." –Laurie Ruettimann, HR consultant and speaker in Raleigh, N.C. “公司懷疑你并非空穴來風。其實,你在公司的所作所為都會有所記錄:你接的每一通電話、打開的每一個文檔、發布的每一條說說以及短信。大部分公司會一直保存這些信息。”——勞瑞?6?1魯蒂曼,北卡羅來納州雷利公司的顧問和發言人
"I know a lot more about you when you walk in the door than you realize. I'll search for you on the web and often use my own personal network to do a pre-interview reference check." –Senior HR Executive in New York City. “你進公司前,我就對你有所了解了。我甚至會利用私人網絡搜出有關你的信息,提前做好面試準備。”——紐約的某位資深人事執行員
6.Don't Make Yourself Too Comfortable 別太悠閑
"Generally speaking, you only put someone on paid leave if you're pretty certain that they might be terminated from the company once you do your investigation." –Kris Dunn. “一般而言,人事只有在確定某人在公司干不長后才會批準他帶薪休假。”——克里斯?6?1鄧恩
"Your job isn't safe just because you're pregnant or a new mom. Lots of people get pink slips while they're on maternity leave. Companies can do it as part of a larger layoff, include you in there and create a justification for it." –Cynthia Shapiro “你要是懷孕了或剛生完寶寶,那工作可就不穩定了。很多人都在休產假時丟了工作。公司可能會利用大裁員機會把你炒掉,你還無話可數。”——辛西婭?6?1夏皮羅
7.The End of the Road 待到窮途末路時
"If you get fired, don't just stomp out and go on with your life. The company may be willing to give you some severance, especially if you can point to someone different from you who didn't get as severe a punishment. Just saying, 'Well, I talked to my attorney' (even if you don't have an attorney) can also give you some leverage.'" –Suzanne Lucas, a former HR executive and the "Evil HR lady" on bnet.com “如果你被解雇了,先別扭頭就走。公司說不定會付給你一定的補償金——尤其當你指出誰誰誰有過類似情況的時候。還有,哪怕你沒有律師,只要說一句 ‘我的律師表示’,也可能爭取到補償金。”——蘇珊妮?6?1盧卡斯,曾擔任人事執行員,在Bet.com網站上的網名為“可怕的人事女經理”
"I may say 'I'm terminating you because you didn't meet performance measures.' I'm not going to say it's because you're a pain in the butt and piss people off every time you interact with them.'" –HR Manager at a healthcare facility. “如果要炒掉你,我會說這是因為你沒能達到工作指標;而決不會挑明說,這是因為你是個刺球兒,誰跟你相處誰就不爽。”——某家醫療機構的人事經理
8.A Method to the Madness 招聘要求讓人抓狂
"I was asked by one CEO to hire the long-legged girl with the long dark hair even though she didn't have the right skills. Another time, I was instructed not to hire anyone with children because the company had too many people leaving for soccer games. That kind of thing happens all the time." –Cynthia Shapiro “有次總裁非得讓我聘用一個窈窕曼妙卻又一無是處的女孩。還有一次,他讓我不要聘用任何有子女的人,只因為公司有太多人請假去看足球賽了。這種事真是見怪不怪。”——辛西婭?6?1夏皮羅
"I've seen managers not hire a woman because the environment is mostly male, and they're worried that no matter how smart or talented she is, she won't fit in." –HR representative at a Fortune 500 financial services firm “有些公司大部分都是男同事,所以不管應聘的女性多么優秀,考慮到人文環境,他們還是不會聘用女人的。”——某家名列《財富》500強的金融服務企業
9.Money Matters 薪酬問題
"If we ask 'What salary are you looking for?' say you're flexible, or say it depends on the responsibilities of the job. Try not to name a salary unless we really push you, because that gives us a leg up in the negotiating." –A human resources professional in New York City “如果被問到期待薪酬是多少,你可以說視具體情況或工作職責而定;除非面試官非得讓你給出具體數目,一般不宜直接報出薪酬數目。要知道,靈活處理對公司也有利。”——紐約的某個專業人事經理
"Don't lie about your salary. Ever. Even if your employer doesn't tell us (and most do), we'll find out eventually. I've terminated two people for doing that." –A human resources professional in New York City “千萬別謊報薪酬。哪怕你的上司沒告訴我們(一般會),最后我們也總能知道。我已經炒掉兩個這么干的職員了。”——紐約的某個專業人事經理
10. Your Résumé 關于簡歷
"We get résumés on fancy schmantzy papers. We get them with gold-pressed lettering. We get them in binders and in document protectors with ribbons. None of that sways me." –HR Manager in St. Cloud, Minnesota “我們常常收到制作精良的簡歷,有些是燙金的,有些是裝在活頁夾里的。但對我來說,這些都一無是處。”——明尼蘇達州的圣克勞德的某位人事經理
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