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石家莊涉外律師:違約侵權Breach and Infringement |
時間:2010/6/3 12:11:00 |
違約侵權Breach and Infringement 1.如果甲方實質性違反本合同,乙方或其權益繼承人有權終止本合同要求得到賠償。如果乙方實質性違反本合同,甲方經發出書面通知,有權要求乙方在收到書面通知后十五(15)天內改正違約行為。如果乙方在十五(15)天期限內未予改正,甲方則有權解除合同并要求得到違約賠償。If Party A materially breaches this contract, Party B or it’s successor in interest is entitled to terminate this contract or claim damages for the breach of contract. if Party B materially breaches this contract, Party A is entitled to request Party B, by issuing a written notice, to redress the breach within fifteen (15) days upon receiving such notice. If Party B fails to redress the breach within the fifteen (15) day period, Party A is entitled to rescind the Contract and claim damages for the breach of contract. 2. 如果一方實質上未履行其在本合同項下的任何義務,或一方在本合同項下的陳述或保證實質上是不真實的或不準確的,該方應被視為違反了本合同。違約方應在收到另一方指明其違約行為的通知后三十(30)日內,糾正其違約行為(若該違約行為是可以糾正的),無論如何,違約方有責任賠償另一方因該等違約而造成的一切損害。如果守約方根據X條終止本合同,違約方仍應給與賠償損害。本合同規定的及法律規定的一切救濟應是累積的。If a Party materially fails to perform any of its obligations under this Contract or if a Party’s representation or warranty under this contract is materially untrue or inaccurate, such Party shall be deemed to have breached this contract. The Party in breach shall have (30) days from receipt of a notice from the other Party specifying the breach to correct such breach if it is remediable. The Party in breach shall in any case be liable to the other Party for all damages caused by the breach. Liability for such damages shall not be waived in the event the non-breaking Party terminates this Contract under Article X. All remedies provided for herein and under law shall be cumulative. 3. 一旦被許可方獲悉涉及商標的侵權行為或涉嫌的侵權行為,或涉及商標的不正當競爭行為,以及引起混淆的類似商標的應用和注冊,被許可方應立即書面通知許可方。被許可方無權就上述任何行為起訴或要求許可方起訴,但許可方可自行決定并并支付費用,以許可方和被許可方雙方名義或任一方名義,對實際發生或擬將發生的商標侵權行為提起訴訟,或以其他方式阻止或防止該等侵權行為。無論許可方采取前述何種行為,被許可方均應提供許可方要求的一切合理協助。The Licensee shall promptly notify the Licensor, in writing, of any acts of infringement or suspected infringement or acts of unfair competition involving the trademarks and of applications or registrations of confusingly similar marks which may come to its attention. The licensee shall not be entitled to take any proceedings or call on the licensor to take any proceedings in any of the aforesaid matters; provided, however, that the licensor may, at its own discretion and cost, prosecute or otherwise stop or prevent such actual or threatened infringement in the name of both the licensor and the licensee or either of them, and in each case the licensee shall render all reasonable assistance required by the licensor. 4. 侵權和法律訴訟infringement and legal proceedings a) 被許可方一旦獲悉任何其他人、商行或公司使用或擬使用的商品、商標、商品裝飾、促銷或廣告手段相當于或可能相當于侵犯許可方對于受許可商標的權利或違反反不正當競爭法,應立即以書面形式將詳細情況告知許可方。The licensee shall give the licensor in writing full particulars of any use or proposed use by any other person, firm or company of a trade name, trademark or get-up of goods or means of promotion or advertising which amounts to or is likely to amount to infringement of the rights of the licensor in relation to the licensed trademarks or in contravention of the anti-unfair competition law as soon as it becomes aware of such use or proposed use. b) 如果被許可方獲悉任何其他人、商行或公司宣稱受許可商標是無效的或受許可商標的使用侵犯了他方權利,應立即以書面形式將詳細情況告知許可方,并不得向任何第三方披露有關此方面的信息或對此做出承認。if the licensee becomes aware that any other person, firm or company alleges that any of the licensed trademarks is invalid or that use of the licensed trademarks infringes any rights of another party, the licensee shall immediately give the licensor in writing full particulars thereof and may make no disclosure of information or admission to any third party in respect thereof. c) 對于受許可商標所收到的侵權或侵權指控,以及就受許可商標的使用或注冊提出或擬將提出的索賠或反索賠,許可方應進行一切法律訴訟,并完全由其自行決定采取何種行動。如果被許可方自行決定就受許可商標提起訴訟或進行抗辯,許可方無義務就此提起訴訟或進行抗辯。the licensor shall conduct all legal proceedings in respect of any infringement or alleged infringement of the licensed trademarks and any claim or counterclaim brought or threatened to be brought in connection with the use or registration of the licensed trademarks and shall in its absolute discretion decide what to do. The licensor shall not be obliged to bring or defend any proceedings in relation to the licensed trademarks if the licensee decides in its sole discretion to do so. d) 對于就受許可商標提起或擬將提起的訴訟或索賠,應許可方要求并由許可方支付費用,被許可方將給予許可方充分合作,包括作為當事人參與任何訴訟。the licensee will, at the request of the licensor and at the licensor’s expense, give full cooperation to the licensor in any action or claim brought or threatened to be brought in respect of the licensed trademarks, including joining in as a party to any proceedings. 5. 如果任何一方未在實質性方面履行其在本協議項下的任何義務,或實質性違反本協議規定的任一條款或保證,在不損害非違約方任何時候可享有的一切和任何其他權利和補償(包括但不限于要求賠償損失的權利)的情況下,非違約方可經通知要求違約方履行其義務或糾正違約行為,或是違約方已否認協議有效而取消本協議。本款規定賦予各方的權利,是對各方可能享有的其他權利的補充,而不是損害。If any party fails to perform any of its obligation in any material respect under this agreement or breaches any of the terms or warranties set out in this agreement in any material respect, then without prejudice to all and any other rights and remedies available at any time to a non-defaulting party (including but not limited to the right to damages for any loss suffered by that party), the non-defaulting party may, by notice either require the defaulting party to perform such obligations or remedy such breach, or treat the defaulting part as having repudiated this agreement and rescind the same. The rights conferred upon the respective parties by the provisions of this clause are additional to and do not prejudice any other rights the respective parties may have. 6. 如果許可方或被許可方得知區域內任何地方實際發生或擬將發生的專利侵權行為,該方應立即書面通知另一方。許可方有權利但無義務針對任何第三方提起侵權訴訟,并在訴訟中使用被許可方的名稱,以及指定被許可方為訴訟的當事人,訴訟費由許可方負擔。In the event that Licensor or Licensee becomes aware of an actual or threatened infringement of a Patent anywhere in the territory, that party shall promptly notify the other party in writing. Licensor shall have the right but not the obligation to bring, at its own expense, any infringement action against any third party and use licensee’s name in connection therewith and to name licensee as a party thereto. 7. 如果第三方在區域內任何地方就涉及產品的制造、使用、銷售、分銷或營銷、對許可方、被許可方、或被許可方的分被許可方或分銷商提起專利侵權訴訟,被訴方應立即書面通知另一方,許可方有權但無義務對該等訴訟進行抗辯,費用由許可方自理。在任何該等訴訟中,許可方或被許可方中的一方應另一方請求,應向請求方提供協助并于請求方合作,但不得向其收取費用。In the event of the institution of any suit by a third party against licensor, licensee or its sub-licensees or distributors for patent infringement involving the manufacture, use, sale, distribution or marketing of the product anywhere in the territory, the party sued shall promptly notify the other party in writing. Licensor shall have the right but not the obligation to defend such suit at its own expense. Licensor and licensee shall assist each other and co-operate in any such litigation at the other’s request without expense to the requesting party.
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