外貿常用英文詞匯 (一)
債轉股 debt-to-equity swap
港元的聯系匯率制 the linkage system between the US dollar and the HK dollar
壞帳、呆帳、死帳 bad account/ dead account/ uncollectible account/bad debt/ bad loan
反傾銷措施 anti-dumping measures against ……
通貨緊縮 deflation
通貨膨脹 inflation
非配額產品 quota-free products
非生產性投資 investment in non-productive projects
風險管理/評估 risk management/ assessment
風險基金 venture capital
風險準備金 loan loss provision/ provisions of risk
搞活國有大中型企業 revitalize large and medium-sized state owned enterprises
規模經濟 scale economy/ economies of scale
國合企業(即國有合作社) state-owned cooperatives
國際收支 balance of international payments/ balance of payment
國際收支不平衡 disequilibrium of balance of payment
國家補貼 public subsidies
國家現匯結存 state foreign exchange reserves
合理引導消費 guide rational consumption
季節性調價 seasonal price adjustments
既成事實 established/accomplished facts
技工貿結合的科技型企業 scientific and technological enterprises that integrate scientific and technological developmentwith industrial and trade development
勞動密集性企業 labor-intensive enterprises
亂集資、亂攤派、亂收費 unwarranted pooling of funds, arbitrary requisition of donations and exaction of fees from enterprises/ unauthorized pooling of funds, compulsory donations and random levies on enterprises
千年問題、千年蟲 millennium bug
企業技術改造 technological updating of enterprises
企業虧損補貼 subsidies to cover enterprise losses
實行國民待遇 grant the national treatment to
平等互利、講求實效、形式多樣、共同發展的方針 pursuing practical results, adopting various waysand seeking common development/ the principle of equality, mutual benefit, efficiency, diversity andmutual development
瓶頸制約 “bottleneck”restrictions
外貿常用英文詞匯 (二)
皮包公司 flying-by-night company; bogus company 放松銀根 ease monetary policy 流動人口 floating population 企業的自我約束機制 self-regulating mechanism of enterprises 貪圖安逸 crave comfort and pleasure 消費膨脹 inflated consumption 信息化 informationize 無氟冰箱 freon-free refrigerator 無紙交易 paperless transaction 適銷對路的產品 readily marketable products 倒爺 profiteer 機構臃腫 overstaffing in (government) organizations 機構重疊 organizational overlapping 利改稅 substitution of tax payment for profit delivery 經常性的財政收入 regular revenues 慢性蕭條 chronic depression 雙重軌制 two-tier system / double-track system 就業前培訓 pre-job training 崗位培訓 on-the-job training
外貿常用英文詞匯 (三)
對外項目承包 foreign project contracting 勞務合作 labor service cooperation 外援方式 modality of foreign aid 自1999年1月1日起實行 come into official enforcement as of January 1, 1999 所有制形式 forms of ownership 以試點的形式實行外貿權自動登記制度 implement an automatic registration system of foreign trading rights on a trial basis 風險管理/評估 risk management/ assessment 國家鼓勵項目 projects listed as encouraged by the state <<中華人民共和國保護臺灣同胞投資實施條例>> Implementation Rules of the P.R.C. on the Protection of Investments by Compatriots from Taiwan 部長級會議 ministerial meeting 公正合理 equitable and rational 搶得先機 take the preemptive opportunities 減免債務 reduce and cancel debts 工程項目 engineering project 同步增長 increase in the same pace 擺脫亞洲金融危機的影響 shake off the impact of the financial crisis 走上良性發展的軌道 going on the track of sound progress 工業增加值 industrial added value 固定資產投資 investment in the fixed assets 建材 building materials 累計實現順差143.4美元 accumulatively realizing trade surplus 注入新的生機與活力 bring new vigor and vitality into 配件 accessories 備件 spare parts 進口環節稅 import linkage tax 營業稅 turnover tax 企業所得稅 corporate income tax 抵免 offset 省會 provincial capital 直轄市 municipality directly under the central government 龍頭產品 flagship product 現代企業制度 modern corporate system 實行股份制 enforce stockholding system 控股公司 holding company 自主經營,自負盈虧 responsible for their own management decisions, profits and losses 在鞏固公有制主體地位的同時,促進多種所有制經濟共同發展 alongside fortifying the status of the public ownership as the mainstay, it is also encouraged to witness common development of different systems of ownership 形成統一、開放和競爭有序的市場 establish an unified, open market with orderly competition 國家科技創新體系 State Scientific and Technological Innovation System 幫助人才脫穎而出 help excellent talents find way to distinction 清理、修訂 screen and modify 水利 water conservation 轉化經營機制 change the method of operation 中介服務組織 intermediary service organization
外貿常用英文詞匯 (四)
dual purpose exports 軍民兩用品出口 dual-use goods and technology 軍民兩用產品和技術 NAFTA North American Free Trade Area 北美自由貿易區 global quota 全球配額 grandfather clause 祖父條款 Animal-derived food 動物源食品 EVSL (Early Voluntary Sectoral Liberalization) 部門提前自愿自由化 TILF (Trade and Investment Liberalization and Facilitation) 貿易和投資自由化和便利化 國際清算 international settlement 商住和公益設施建設 commercial, residential and public utility construction 廣開就業門路 increase employment opportunities; create jobs in every possible way; open up more channels of employment 自由浮動匯率 free floating exchange rate; variable exchange rate 資本項目 capital account 經常項目 current account 求同存異 overcome differences and seek common ground 防偽標志 anti-fake label 出口創匯型產業 export-oriented industry 盤活存量資產 revitalize stock assets 竟價投標 competitive bidding 協議投標 negotiated bidding 橫向兼并 horizontal merger 垂直兼并 vertical merger 垃圾融資 junk financing 貨幣市場 money market 申報制度 reporting system; income declaration system
外貿常用英文詞匯 (五)
shipping service company 船務公司 generic products 非商標(非專利)產品 prudent monetary policy 穩健的貨幣政策 deficit spending 超前消費 run on banks (到銀行)擠兌 domestic support to agriculture 對農業的國內支持 special bonds 特種債券 economy of abundance 富裕經濟 CAGA (compound annual growth average) 年復合增長率 Animal-based protein 動物源性蛋白 GMO (genetically modified organism) 轉基因組織 VOD (video-on-demand) 視頻點播 AOD (audio-on-demand) 音頻點播
外貿常用英文詞匯 (六)
市場準人的行政管理措施 AAMA: Administrative Aspects of Market Access 亞太工商咨詢理事會 ABAC: APEC Business Advisory Council 亞太商業論壇 ABF:APEC Business Forum 亞太通訊與數據系統 ACDS:APEC Communications and Database System 亞太中小企業技術交流與培訓中心 ACTETSME:APEC Center for Technology Exchange and Training for Small and Medium Enterprises 亞洲開發銀行 ADB: Asian Development Bank 亞太經合組織經濟領導人會議 AELM: APEC Economic Leaders Meeting 東盟自由貿易區 AFTA:ASEAN Free Trade Area 亞太經合組織部長級會議 AMM:APEC MinisteriaI Meeting 澳新緊密經濟關系協定 ANZCERTA:Australia New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement 亞太商業網絡 APB-Net:Asia-Pacific Business Network 亞太經濟合作組織 APEC:Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 亞太能源研究中心 APERC:Asia Pacific Energy Research Center 亞太信息基礎設施 APII:Asia-Pacific Information Infrastructure 亞太實驗室認可合作 APLAC:Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation 亞太法定計量論壇 APLMF:Asia Pacific Legal Metrology Forum 亞太計量程序 APMP:Asia Pacific Metrology Program 東南亞國家聯盟 ASEAN:Association of South-East Asian Nations 亞歐會議 ASEM:Asia-Europe Meeting 農業技術合作 ATC:Agricultural Technical Cooperation
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