PACKAGES AND PACKING SLIPS發票、貨箱和裝箱單上均應填寫訂購單編號PURCHASE ORDER NO,訂購單編號》J YVNJ-t-dW,簽訂日期 IMPORTANT出口商Ship to Address Shown Below送貨地址如下 To Seller Company致:——公司(供方)ship via經由 f,o,b到達地交貨 terms條件 ship to到達地as per your quotation按貴方報價promised delivery date at destination約定到達站港時間Please Enter Our Purchase Order of Above No. Subject to All JInstructions andProvisions on Face and Reverse Side Hereof.本編號訂購單完全依照正、反兩面的說明和規定制成。QUAAYIITl數PART NO, DESCRIPlrICcN規格型PRICE PER單價AMOUNT金額 If the parts and/or materials covered by this order are in pursuance of fulfillinga contract with the US Govemment, then the standard provisions of this order areto be supplemented 'oy the provisions as set forth in the attached form,如所訂產品和/或物資是為執行與美國官方所簽合同,本訂購單之規定將由所附表格上的額規定加以補充。TOTAL總計By:INSTRUCTIONS AND PROVISIONS說明和規定
1. ACCEPTANCE COPY must be signed and returned immediately.承兌副本須及時簽字送回。
2, PACKING SLIPS must be included in all shipments and last copy muststate "ORDER COMPLETED" .裝箱單必須完整,最后一張單據應注明“貨物備齊”。
3, ORDER NUMBER must be shown on each page, packing slip andmvoice.每箱貨物、裝運單和發票上均應注明訂購單編號。
4, INVOICES must be rendered in duplicate not later than the day followingshipment, Attach bilt/ of lading or express receipt to each invoice.發票最遲須在裝船次日寄出,每張發票都應附上提單或運單。( Continued on reverse side)(續見背面)(Reverse Side)(背面)
5. DELNERIES must be made to Buyer's receiving room, not to individualsor departments.貨物必須交到買方收貨處,不得提交給其他任何個人或部門。
6,EXTRA CHARGES額外費用No additional charges of any kind, including charges for boxing, packing,cartage, or other extras will be allowed unless specially agreed to writing inadvance by Buyer.除事先專門書面通知買方外,不得增收任何額外費用,包括裝箱、包裝和搬運費等。
7,PAYMENT支付It is understood that the cash discount period will date from the receipt of thegoods or from the date of the invoice, whichever is later. C. O. D. shipments willnot be accepted. Drafts will not be honored.貼現期以收到貨物或發票(以后到者為準)之日起計算。不得采用貨到付款的辦法,不得使用匯票。
8,QUANTITIES數量The specific quantity ordered must 'oe delivered in full andnd not be changedwithout Buyer's consent in wobjection and return at Seller's expense.必須保證充足供貨,未經買方書面同意,不得改變訂貨數量。買方可拒收并退回未經認同之供貨,所發生的一切費用由賣方承擔。
9,PRICE價格If price is not stated in this order, it is agreed that the goods shall be lbe billed atthe price last quoted, or billed at the prevailing market price, whichever is lower.This order must not be filled at a higher price than last quoted or charged withoutBuyer' s s'pecific authorization.如本訂單未就價格作出規定,貨物應按最后報價或現行市價付款(以低者為準)。本訂單所填價格不得高于最后報價,所定價格必須經買方認可。
10,APPLICABLE LAWS適用的法律Seller represents that the merchandise covered by this order was notmanufactured and is not being sold or priced in violation of any federal, state orlocal law.賣方保證本訂單所涉及貨物之生產、銷售和定價均不得觸犯任何聯邦、州:或地方法律。 1 1,FAIR LABOR STANDARD ACT《公平勞動標準法》Seller agrees that goods shipped to Buyer under this ordet will be produced incompliance with the Fair Labor Standard Act.賣方保證按本訂單發運給買方的貨物均是按《公平勞動標準法》規定生產一;
1 2.WARRANTY SPECIFICATIONS擔保條款Seller expressly warrants that all the materials and articles covered by this order or other description or specification and free from defects in material and/orworkmanship, and merchantable. Such warranty shaU survive delivery, and shallnot be deemed waived either by reason of Buyer's acceptance of said materials orarticles or by payment for them. Any deviation from this order or specificationsfumished hereunder, or any other exceptions or alterations must be approved inwriting by Buyer's Purchasing Department.賣方確保按本訂單或供方所提供的其他說明書所提供的一切物品完全符合規定,在材料、工藝及適銷方面沒有缺陷。此擔保在交貨之后仍然有效,且不得因買方驗收所訂貨物或商品以及支付貨款而失效。凡違反本訂單或違反按本訂單提供的說明書規定之行為,以及其他任何例外或變更都必須經過買方采購部門的書面認可。
13,CANCELLATION取消訂貨Buyer reserves the right to cance/ all or any part of the undelivered portion ofthis order if Seller does not make deliveries as specified, time being of the essenceof this Contract, or Seller breaches any of the terms hereof including, withoutlimitation, the warranties of Seller.如賣方不按規定按時供貨,或賣方違反本訂單及擔保條款在內的規定,買方有權取消全部或部分尚未提交之訂貨。
14, INSPECrIl[ON AND ACCEPTANCE驗收All goods shall be received subject to Buyer's right of inspection andrejection. Defect goods or goods not in accordance with Buyer's specifications willbe held for Seller's instruction at Seller's risk and if Seller so directs, will bereturned at Seller's expense. If inspection discloses that part of the goods receivedare not in accordance with Buyer's specifications, Buyer shall have the right tocancel any unshipped portion of the order. Payment for goods on this order prior toinspection shall not constitute acceptance thereof and is without prejudice to anyand all clakns that Buyer may have against Seller,買方有權驗收和拒收貨物。次品和不符買方規格要求的產品將擱置等候賣方通知,如賣方通知退貨,費用應由賣方負責。如驗收發現所收到的貨物不符買方規格要求,買方有權取消未發運部分訂貨。驗收前所支付的訂貨款不得構成承諾,因此不得影響買方對賣方的任何權利主張。
15.PATENTS專利Seller warrants the material al purchased hereunder does not infringe any letter orpatent granted by the United States and covenants and agrees to save harmless andprotect Buyer, its successors, assignees, customers and users from infringementclaims.賣方保證此訂單所供產品不得侵犯任何美國辦法的或經協定規定的專利證書權,并保證不讓買方、買方之繼承人其轉讓人、其顧客及用戶遭受侵權之訴。
16,ASSGNMENT轉讓This contract may not be assigned by Seller without Buyer's wntten consent.未經買方書面同意,賣方不得轉讓此合同。
17,INTERPRETATION OF CONTRACT合同解釋This contract shall be construed in accordance with the law of the state of____________. 本合同將按———州的法律進行解釋。
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