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作者:石家莊涉外律師編輯   出處:法律顧問網·涉外dl735.cn     時間:2010/6/21 14:41:00





(北京第二外國語學院 英語系 100024)

摘 要:隨著我國加入世貿組織,對法律文件翻譯的研究,比如經濟法規、合同文件的翻譯研究,將成為我們翻譯工作者的一個重要課題。本文在總結以往的經驗基礎上,探討了翻譯法律文件,應注意的語言特點。本文還對合同法中譯英的不同譯法作了較詳細的解評,提出了法律文件中譯英的一些實用的翻譯技巧。


Talk on Translation of Legal Documents and Contract Documents ----

Commenting on Parts of English Version of the translation of the Contract Law of People’s Republic of China

Fu Weiliang

(English Department, Beijing Second Foreign Language Institute, Beijing 100024)

Abstract: After China’s entry into WTO, the study of translation of legal documents, such as the translation of economic laws, regulations and rules, and contract documents, will surely become a important research topic for translators. This article discusses sufficiently, on the basis of past experience, some language characteristics in the translation of legal documents, which shall be paid attention to. The article also provides detailed comments on the different English versions of translating the Contract Law to show some practical skills of translation of legal documents.

Key words: legal documents; legal terminology; language structure;


一. 翻譯合同法的用詞特點


1.以here, where作前綴與另一個詞構成一個正式法律詞匯中的專業副詞術語如:hereafter, hereby, herein, hereinafter, hereinbefore, hereof, hereto, hereunder, hereupon, herewith, thereafter, thereby, therefrom, therein, thereinafter, thereinbefore, thereon, thereof, thereupon, therewith;

whereas, whereby, wherein, whereon, etc.

在法律文件中用這些詞、可以避免重復,使行文準確、簡潔、不會產生歧義,從而維護了法律的權威性,因些 在把中文的合同法條款譯成英文時,要學會運用這些詞,使譯文具有法律文件的水平。下面從《中華人民共和國合同法》,以下簡稱《合同法》,的譯文中舉出一些具體的實例(譯文①與譯文②進行對照評解)來說明如何在譯文中使用這些詞(注:譯文②為筆者所譯)。

第五條 當事人應當遵循公平原則確定各方的權利和義務。

譯文①:Parties shall adhere to the principle of fairness in designating each party’s rights and obligations.

★ 法律條文中很少有party’s這種所有格形式來表示。
★ each party所指是誰而且條文一開始的parties 也不明確。

譯文②:The parties to the contract shall comply with the principle of fairness in defining the rights and obligations of the parties thereto.

★ 譯文中的thereto限制了parties,指的是the parties to the contract, 也就是用一個thereto代替了文中的3個“to the contract,”使行文簡潔、明了、準確。
★ 譯文②中的用詞defining 比譯文①中的designating確切。Define = to determine or identify the essential qualities; to fix or mark the limits ofsth; to make distinct; clear or detailed 之意,designate:to point out the location, to indicate and set apart for a specific purpose. 不如define在表達“確定”的內在含義上更貼切。

第六條 當事人行使權利、履行義務應當遵循誠實信用的原則。
譯文①: Parties shall adhere to the principle of honesty and trust worthiness in exercising their rights and performing their obligations.

★譯文中兩次用their,這種情況在法律語言中是極少的,法律語言中避免用不確定的代詞。所以應該刪去their, 以thereof來限定為合同規定的權利和義務。修改見譯文②。
譯文②:The parties to the contract shall, in accordance with the principle of good faith, execute the rights and perform the obligations thereof.

★thereof 代替of the contract,使意思表達明確。又如,要表達前文提及過的合同的“合同條件、條款”時,可以譯為“the terms, conditions and provisions thereof” 。

第61條 合同生效后,當事人就質量、價款或者報酬、履行地點等內容沒有約定或者約定不明確的,可以協議補充;…….
譯文①:After a contract goes into effect, the parties may reach a supplementary agreement on items that have not been included or are not explicitly stipulated in the contract, such as quality, price or remuneration, place for performance and other matters;…….

★ a supplementary agreement:意思不明…….that have not been included雖是限制性定語從句,仍末說明包含在什么之中?
★ Such as 又顯得無處著落,句子結構不嚴密。英文的含義與原文出入很大。
譯文②: If, after the contract made by and between the parties becomes effective, there is no agreement therein on the terms and provisions regarding quality, price or remuneration and place of performance, etc. or such agreement is unclear, the parties may, through consultation, agree upon supplementary terms and provisions;

★ 譯文②把中文條款進行“語內譯”, 會發現中文條款暗含個條件句,即,如果…..可以……所以用if條件比用譯文①中的that定語從句要明確得多。
★ 用agreement therein把agreement說得非常清楚,指agreement in the contract.
★ therein: in that; in that particular context; in that respect之意,表示在上文已提及的, 比如表示“合同(中)的…….,工程(中)的……”時,可以用此詞。又如,表示“修補工程中的缺陷”可以譯為“the remedying of any defects therein”, 此中的therein即 “in the Works”,又如“用于工程中的材料或機械設備”可譯為“materials or plant for incorporation therein” 此時的therein乃是 “in the Works”。本條款中的therein指的是“in the contract made by and between…..”
第96條 ……. 對方有異議的,可以請求人民法院或者仲裁機構確認解除合同的效力。
譯文①:…… If the other party has objections, it may request a people’s court or an arbitration organization to confirm the rescission.

If the rescission of a contract is required to go through approval and registration procedures according to the provisions of laws or administrative regulations, the relevant party shall act accordingly.

★ the other party has objections 反對的對象不清楚,后面應該加thereto,即objection to the fact that the contract shall be rescinded(在上文中)這回事。

★ it may request……,合同法律文件中很少用代詞it來代表某一方,應該用the party in question 來限定,使之不發生歧義或誤解。In question: under consideration; being talked about,此詞組表示“在考慮中或在議論中”的某事或某問題,有強調限制作用,可譯為“這”“該”如“該工程”可譯為“the Works in question” 常用于合同法律文件中。
★ a people’s court不合適,人民法院已成為專有名詞,the people’s court。
★ to confirm the rescission 欠譯。可改為to confirm the rescission of the contract.
★ if the rescission of a contract is required…….中的If表示如果,假設的情況。中文的含義是比較確定的,不宜用if.
★ The relevant party 所指是誰?不明確。原文就沒有執行的主語,最好用被動語態來處理。
★ act accordingly 語言欠正規、確切。
譯文②:……If the other party disagrees therewith, the party in question may request the people’s court or an arbitration institution to confirm rescission of the effectiveness of the contract.

Where the laws or administrative regulations specify that the rescission of a contract shall go through the formalities of approval and registration, the provisions thereof shall be complied with.

★ therewith: with that 與此,與之。即disagrees with the fact that the contract shall be rescinded.
★ Where: 比If肯定,表示處在某種情況下,環境中,法律中常用。
★ thereof 在前面已談到,指provisions of the laws or administrative regulations, 用此詞組比譯文①簡潔、鮮明。
★ shall be complied with 正規的法律語言。
第377條 保管期間屆滿或者寄存人提前領取保管物的,保管人應當將原物及其孳息歸還寄存人。
譯文①:If the safekeeping duration expires or the depositor wants to obtain the deposited goods, the safekeeping party shall return the original goods and their interest to the depositor.

★ wants to obtain…..與原文意思有出入,“提前”未譯,“領取”之意也末譯出。
★ goods指貨物,原文中是保管物,未指明是貨物,有出入。
★ and there interest: there 所指不明(法律文件中少用)。Interest來自何處不清。“孳”的詞義未譯出。
譯文②:If the safekeeping duration expires or the depositor claims and retrieves the article before the expiry date, the safekeeping party shall return to the depositor the original article and the interest generated therefrom.

★ claims and retrieves:系同義詞連用,取兩個字的相同的詞義,因為 claim除了索取,取回外,還有索賠之意,retrieves除有領取、領回外還有失了復得,找回,檢回之意,兩個連用,只取兩詞義相同的部分:即取回,領取,這樣避免產生歧義。
★ article 比goods 準確,貼切。
★ therefrom就很好的監管了interest這個詞,把孳息的來源說清楚了,即from the article.
★ generated這個詞很好地表達了孳息,即息生息,不斷滾動的利息。
第396條 委托合同是委托人和受托人約定,由受托人處理委托人事務的合同。
譯文①:A commission contract is a contract between the commissioning party and the commissioned party, under which the commissioned party handles businesses for the commissioning party.

★ businesses:復數形式只作買賣、店鋪、商號解。作事務、職責、任務解是不可數的,所以應用business.
★ under which…… which所指何物?不清楚,容易產生歧意、產生誤解
★ business 很少與for短語連用
譯文②:A commission contract refers to a contract between the commissioning party and the commissioned party whereby the commissioned party shall handle the business of the commissioning party.

★ 對原中文條款進行“語內譯”可以理順中文的條款的內含,即委托人和受托人簽訂的是委托合同,憑借這個合同,委托人的事務由受托人處理。這樣用whereby就可以簡便而準確地把句子的前后部分連接在一起。
★ whereby: by the agreement; by the contract; by the following terms and conditions etc. 憑此協議,憑此條款等等,此詞常用于合同協議書中,引出合同當事人應承擔的主要合同義務。


We hereby certify to the best of our knowledge that the foregoing statement is true and correct and all available information and data have been supplied herein, and that we agree to provide documentary proof upon your request.

★ hereby: by means of, by reason of this,特此,因此,茲等意,常用于法律文件、合同、協議書等正式文件的開頭語;在條款中需要強調時也可以用。上文中hereby:特此之意。
★ 另有些專業用語也一并作些解釋。如:to the best of our knowledge: as far as we know。
★ foregoing statement: above-mentioned statement 上述聲明。
★ herein 這也是法律文件中常用的字:in this, in the statement。
★ documentary proof:證明文件。

This Law is hereby formulated and prepared in order to develop the foreign trade, maintain the foreign trade order and promote the healthy development of the socialist market economy.

Foreign trade mentioned herein shall cover the import and export of goods, technology and the international trade in services.

★ This Law is hereby formulated and prepared: 意為“茲制定本法….. ”
★ maintain the foreign trade order維護對外貿易秩序
★ promote the healthy development of the socialist market economy促進社會主義市場經濟的健康發展
★ Foreign trade mentioned herein本法所稱對外貿易
★ herein: 作in this Law解
★ the international trade in services國際服務貿易


A sales contract refers to a contract whereby the seller transfers the ownership of an object to the buyer and the buyer pays the price for the object.

★ sale contract:買賣合同
★ the seller:出賣人, 注: seller在法律中稱為出賣人,在合同中稱為賣方;同樣Buyer在法律中稱為買受人,而在合同中稱為買方。
★ object: 標的物,即買賣合同中出售的貨物。



在合同等法律文件中,表示強制性承擔責任、履行義務,即中文中常用的“應該”,“必須”等字眼時,翻譯時應該用shall,而不能用“must” 或 “should”.有時可以用will,但力度不如 shall強。


This company shall be a Chinese legal person. All activities hereof shall be governed and protected by the Laws and relevant rules and regulations of People’s Republic of China.

★ Legal person:法人
★ All activities hereof:All activities of this company公司的一切活動

All disputes arising from the performance of this contract shall, through amicable negotiations, be settled by the Parties hereto. Should, through negotiations, no settlement be reached, the case in question shall then be submitted for arbitration to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Beijing and the arbitration rules of this Commission shall be applied.

★ 3個shall都表示應履行的責任。
★ Should引導假設條件句,代替if,倒裝句型。
★ amicable negotiation:友好協商。
★ the performance of this Contract 履行本合同。
★ the Parties hereto: the Parties to this Contract 本合同雙方。
★ shall then be submitted for arbitration 然后應提交仲裁。
★ the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Beijing: 中國國際經濟貿易仲裁委員會(北京)


對外經濟合同等法律性文件要求使用書面的正規用語,以維護法律文件的尊嚴及權威性。常用的專業詞匯有:in accordance with, unless otherwise, provided that, be deemed to, in question, in case, be liable for, be liable to, in respect of, in the event that, in (the) case ,etc. 此外還常用些大詞,法律正式用詞等等。中文條款譯成英文條款時,不運用或不會運用專業詞匯,譯文就顯不出其法律的權威性,只能算作普通譯文,不能稱作法律條文,也就是說失去了法律條文的風格。下面仍以評解的方法予以闡述:

第4條 當事人依法享有自愿訂立合同的權利,任何單位和個人不得非法干預。
譯文①:Parties shall enjoy the right to sign contracts on their own according to law, and no unit or individual shall interfere illegally unless legally authorized to do so.

★ enjoy: to have for one’s use, benefit, to take pleasure 之意帶有感情色彩,非正式用詞。
★ to sign contracts; sign: to place a sign to, to engage or hire 簽字,簽名。這是按照中文“簽合同”譯來的。簽訂合同的動詞可以單獨用conclude or enter into ( a contract ),或者由下列幾個動詞的任意兩個的組合,即同義詞連用:sign, conclude, make, enter into (a contract ), 單獨用sign contract是不能表達簽訂合同之意。
★ unless legally authorized to do so: 屬于加意,原文并無此意。
★ according to: 非法律用語,應該正式用語in accordance with
譯文②:The parties shall, in accordance with the law, have the right to voluntarily conclude and enter into a contract. No unit or individual shall illegally interfere.

★ 譯文②避免了譯文①中的問題。
第8條 依法成立的合同,對當事人具有法律約束力。當事人應當按照約定履行自己的義務,不得擅自變更或者解除合同。

譯文①: A contract concluded according to law shall be legally binding on the parties concerned. The parties shall perform the obligations stipulated in the contract. No party may unilaterally modify or rescind the contract. 

Contracts concluded legally are protected by law. 

★ according to law: 非法律用語, law應加定冠詞,依法成立的,這個法不是任何法,而是相關的法律。 
★ The parties:是指簽訂合同的雙方,所以應有所交待,有所限制,可用thereto限定,即:parties to the contract 
★ “應當按照約定”要進行“語內譯”即按照所制定的合同的條款條件、規定的內容履行義務,而不是約定這個動作,行為。譯文中用stipulated 分詞來修飾contract, 不是法律正式用詞。即使表示“約定”行為也應該用provide, specify等字。 
★ No party may……應該用neither party,指合同雙方的任何一方,而不是泛指某一個參予者。 
★ 譯文中漏譯“自己的”義務,“自己的”,經“語內譯”應理解為“各自的”, 

contracts concluded legally are protected by law.這句譯文中的contracts應有定冠詞限定。 用legally來表明是依法成立的合同,使句子含糊不清,因為這個副詞既可以認為是用來修飾concluded,也可以被誤認為是用來修飾are protected最好排除發生歧義的可能性。 

譯文②:If, in accordance with the law, a contract is made and concluded, the contract in question shall legally be binding on the parties thereto. The parties thereto shall, in accordance with the terms, conditions and provisions of the contract, perform their respective obligations. Neither party shall unilaterally modify or rescind the contract. 

The contract concluded and entered into under the law shall be protected by the law. 

★ 以if從句譯出暗含的條件從句,處理句子結構清晰。 
★ 用made and concluded同義詞連用,使contract鮮明 
★ 以in question 和thereto作明確限定,不會產生歧義或爭端 
★ 以respective明確各自的責任 
★ 以under the law短語表明按照法律,十分明確,under在法律條款里是正規用字,有根據,按照,依照之意。 
第14條 要約是希望和他人訂立合同的意思表示,該意思表示應當符合下列規定: 

一. 內容具體確定; 

譯文①:Here offer means that one party expresses its wish to enter into a contract with the other party, and the wish expressed should include the following provisions: 
(1) The concrete contents are designated; and 
(2) Once the offeree accepts the offer, the offerer shall be bound by the offer. 

★ 法律條文中盡量避免用代詞,第一句中one party…its 都不恰當,不明確,最好想法避免。 
★ here offer means……的句式非法律語言 
★ wish 只是心中的愿望,與中文的“意思表示”尚有差 異“the wish expressed” 譯為該意思表示也不確切。 
★ should為非正式用語,應改為shall。 
★ include是包含,包括在內之意,而不是符合某種規定之意,中文的“符合下列規定”的內語譯應是“遵守、遵循下列規定”之意,而不是包含之意。 
★ The concrete contents 只譯出了中文的字面意思,所謂“內容具體確定”,經過語內譯應理解為內容詳細、全面、明確,受要約人通過要約不但明白要約人的真實意愿,而且還知道可能所要訂立的合同的一些主要條款。這里的“確定”講的是要約內容確定,而不是動作概念,所以譯成“具體的內容被確定”與條款不符。 
★ Once不如in case 正式 
譯文②:An offer refers to a proposal to make and enter into a contract with other parties. The proposal in question shall comply with the following provisions: 
(1) The contents thereof shall be detailed and definite; 
(2) The proposal in question shall indicate that the offeror shall be bound by the offer in question in case the offer is accepted by the offeree thereto. 

第15條 要約邀請是希望他人向自己發出要約的意思表示。寄送的價目表、拍賣公告、招標公告、控股說明書、商業廣告等為要約邀請。 

譯文①:An offer invitation means that one party invites other parties to issue offers to it. An offer invitation includes, mailed or delivered by other means, price lists, auction announcements, tendering notices, the directions for raising capital by floating shares and commercial advertisements. 

Commercial advertisements whose content are in conformity with the provisions of offers shall be regarded as offers. 

★ one party在法律語言中不適用,要盡量避免用。 
★ 用動詞invite動作概念太強,產生一方要請另一方來發出要約的歧義。 
★ to issue offers to it, issue有發表,公布之意,易產生歧義,而且it意思不明確. 
★ An offer invitation includes……, 讓人認為一份要約包括下列那些內容,這就錯了.原文意思是(進行語內譯的話)……的內容都稱為要約. 


★ 寄送價目表:是指寄出印有商品價格的文件.其目的是希望收到價目表的人,向自己發出訂立合同的要約并提出訂立合同的條件.價目表的寄送行為只是一種要約邀請,而不是要約。 
★ 拍賣公告:指拍賣人向競買人發出的要求對方報價的文件,該文件記載著拍賣標的物的名稱、質量、數量、拍賣場所,拍賣日期等項目,因公布對象不定,不具備合同內容,所以只能稱為要約邀請,不能稱為要約。 
★ 招股說明又稱招股章程,是表達募集股份的意思,并載有某些信息的文件,是要約邀請。 
★ 商業廣告,大家都熟悉,也是一種要約邀請。 
★ whose content…..可用于普通描述,不可用于條款。 
譯文②:An invitation for offer refers to a proposal for requesting other parties to make offers to the principal. Price forms mailed or send, public notices of auction and tender, prospectuses and commercial advertisements, etc. shall be deemed to be an invitation for an offer. 

Where the contents of a commercial advertisement comply with the terms and provisions of the offer, the advertisement in question shall be deemed to be an offer. 

★ invitation用的是派生名詞,抽象性強一些,invitation for offer: 要約邀請 
★ to the principal: 指寄送要約邀請的人 
★ be deemed to (be/do): 被認為,法律文件中的正式用語,比“ be believed, be considered”正式 
★ where在文件中,常常不是指地方,不是引出地點狀語從句,而是比if 肯定的條件句,實際上是強調如果在某種情況時,表示處在……..情況下,環境中,條件下……等。 


4. 動詞的準確性 


第12條 合同的內容由當事人約定,一般包括以下條款: 

(一) 當事人的名稱或者姓名和住址; 
(二) 標的; 

譯文①: The contents of a contract shall be decided by the parties concerned. In general, a contract shall contain the following items: 

(1) The titles or names of the parties concerned, and their addresses; 
(2) Object; 
(8) Methods of solving disputes. 
The parties may sign a contract with reference to model copies of various kinds of contracts. 

★ ……由當事人“約定”用decide不夠確切。這里的“約定”是指經過協商達成一致意見的意思,可以用agree (upon) 
★ by the parties concerned 非法律語言,concerned 可改為thereto 
★ a contract shall contain the …….contain 有包含,由…….組成,等于,相當于,等多義 
★ their addresses, “their”代詞所有格最好免用,addresses 太一般化,不用于合同,可以用domicile住處,指戶籍,法律上長住處。 
★ object可改為contract object,較明確,指合同要處理的問題 
★ solving disputes, solve不如 settle正規、貼切 

` Solve: to find a solution, explanation or an answer a problem 之意 

Settle: to conclude( a law suit) by agreement between parties. 多用于法律上解決糾紛、矛盾。 

★ sign a contract在前面已經提過,sign 單獨不能視為簽合同,應于make或enter into或 conclude連用。 
★ with reference ……with 易發生歧義,常首先理解為“與…….簽合同 
★ model copies應改為model text示范文本。 
★ of various kinds,文中的“參照各類合同示范文本”應進行語內譯,指的是訂哪種合同參照哪一種示范文本,因針對各種不同類型的人訂合同而言,要參照各類不同的合同示范文本,所以用various不確切,訂個合同要把各種不相干的文本都參遍也不可能,譯為of each kind of……… 比較貼切。

The contents of a contract shall be agreed upon by the parties thereto, and shall, in general, cover and include the following clauses:

(1) title or name and domicile of the parties thereto;
(2) contract object;
(8) methods to settle disputes,
The parties may, by reference to the model text of each kind of contract, conclude and enter into a contract.

★ cover and include用同義詞連用的方法,解除一詞多義產生的歧義。
★ by reference……以by短語表明方式,手段
譯文①:Contracts shall include written, oral and other forms.

★ 將原文進行“語內譯”便可以明白,當事人簽訂合同時可采取…….形式,譯文的含義與此有些出入,可反譯為合同應該包括…….形式,似乎給人感覺每份合同需要這三種形式,容易產生歧義。
譯文②:The parties may conclude and enter into a contract in written, or oral or other forms.


★ 這就明確地表明,簽訂一份合同,可以采用其中一種形式。本款下文也有類似表述不清的問題,不一一細說了。

第20條 有下列情形之一的,要約失效:

(一) 拒絕要約的通知到達要約人;
(二) 要約人依法撤銷要約;
(三) 承諾期限屆滿,受要約人未作出承諾;
(四) 受要約人對要約的內容作出實質性的變更。

譯文①:In any of the following situations, the offer shall cease to be effective:

(1) A notice of refusal of the offer has been received by the offer;
(2) Theofferer has concluded the offer legally;
(3) Theofferee has not made commitment at the time of the expiration of the commitment term; or
(4) Theofferee has made substantive changes to the offer’s contents.

★ situations:有5個義釋,只有第5義與原文中情形含義相近,發生歧義的可能較大,不如用circumstance其中4個義釋相近。
★ “失效”以 shall cease to be effective合同中沒有這種譯法,可用專業強的詞:null and void ……同義詞連用,避免歧義。具有依照法律規定不再生效之意。
★ a notice of refusal of the offer“拒絕要約的通知”中拒絕應該用rejection拒收之意
★ “到達要約人”用“receive”來譯欠妥,因為reach與receive含義有別。
★ has canceled the offer legally,cancel是劃去,取消之意,非正規用詞;legally是合法地,并非是依法去做…….
★ has not made 譯為has failed to make…..較好,較為正式。
★ “變更”用alter,用change事指外觀上的變化,如撤換,對換,兌換等,易產生歧義。Alter: to become different, to make different without changing into something else.

譯文②:An offer shall be null and void in the case of the following circumstances:

(1) The notice of rejection of the offer has reached the offeror;
(2) Theofferor has revoked the offer in question in accordance with the law;
(3) Theofferee has failed to make an acceptance by the expiration of acceptance;
(4) Theofferee substantially alters the contents of the offer in question.

第24條 要約以信件或者電報作出的,承諾期限自信件載明的日期或者電報交發之日開始計算。信件未載明日期的,自投信件的郵戳日期開始計算。要約以電話、傳真等快速通訊方式作出的,承諾期限自要約到達受約人時開始計算。

譯文①: If an offer is made by letter or telegram, the commitment time limit shall be calculated from the date on the letter or the day when the telegram is sent. If there is no date on the letter, the postmark date shall be regarded as the starting date. If an offer is made by telephone, fax or other quick forms of communication, the time limit for commitment shall be counted from the day when the offer reaches the offeree.

★ If an offer is made by letter or telegram………易發生歧義,by短語容易被理解為動作執行者。
★ ……time limit shall be calculated from……,calculated limit 動賓搭配不太合理。這里要進行“語內譯”,原文“開設計算”指的是承諾期限的啟動時間,而不是真的要你去計算這個期限。中譯英在許多時候要作“語內譯”,弄明白中文字面的深層含義,而不是字面的對譯。比如中文的一個口語“真煩人”,在不同的語境,可以有若干不同的譯法。
★ the date on the letter容易誤解,不嚴謹,是規定日期,書寫日期,還是郵戳日期,還是別的什么日期。
★ if there is no date on the letter同樣是含糊不清。
★ the postmark date shall be regarded as…….不嚴謹,一般信封上有兩個郵戳,投寄方郵戳和收郵方郵戳,熟為準?
★ if an offer is made by telephone, fax…….表達不嚴謹,與原文也有出入,原文是“以…….方式作出的”,譯文易被誤解為offer的執行者是電報、電傳…….。
★ shall be counted from the day when…..欠準確、嚴謹,原文中的“…….時開始計算”,這里的計算依然不是count 的含義,而是指起點時間。 “day”的時間幅度太大,因為這里快速通訊方式,用“day”不精確。

譯文②: When an offer is made in the form of a letter or a telegram, the time limit for acceptance shall commence from the date stated in the letter or from the date the telegram is handed in for dispatch. If no such date is stated in the letter, the time limit shall commence from the date in the sending postmark on the envelope. Where the offer is made by means of instantaneous communication, such as telephone or FAX, the time limit for acceptance shall commence from the moment that the offer reaches the offeree.

★ commence: to make or to have a beginning, be move formal or bookish than begin.所以用這個字準確地表達了起始時間。
★ stated表示了信上明確申訴的時間。
★ Where前面已作解釋,是比if更肯定的場合。
★ 行文結構清楚,用詞嚴謹。

第29條 受要約人在承諾期限內發出承諾,按照通常情形能夠及時到達要約人,但因其他原因承諾到達要約人時超過承諾期限的,除要約人及時通知受要約人因承諾超過期限不接受該承諾的以外,該承諾有效。

譯文①:If, within the time limit, an offeree issues a commitment which should be received by the offerer under normal conditions, but the commitment is received by the offerer after commitment time limit due to unforeseen circumstances, the commitment shall still be valid, unless the offeree informs theofferee in time that he or she does not accept the commitment because the time limit has been expired.

★ within the time limit欠譯。其后應加“ for acceptance” 表明是在承諾期限內。
★ receive可改為reach,前面已作過解釋。
★ but the commitment,原文字面上意思是轉折,實際上是在合同里,對可能發生的情況作進一步規定,所以用but 不合適,應該用provided that if……但規定,規定。此詞組常用于在合同的某一條款中需要作進一步規定時,而語氣稍有轉折時用。中譯時要注意該詞的使用,有時字面上沒有“但規定”、“進一步規定”的字樣,但有其內含時,要能正確應用。
★ received by the offerer after the commitment time limit…..,,received 改為 reached。
★ after the time limit 用詞不嚴謹,因為after以后的時間幅度很大,而且與原文含義不符,原文時超過承諾期限,而不是在承諾期之后。
★ still 不如改為remain,有保留的含義。
★ That he or she 代詞不明確,避免使用,文中有兩個單數人物,指哪位呢?易產生歧義。
★ does not accept是指“沒有接受”這個客觀行為,原文中的不接受具有拒不接受之意。
★ has been expired已期滿之意,而不是超過期限。

譯文②:When, within the time limit for acceptance, the offeree dispatches the acceptance, the acceptance will, in normal circumstances, reach the offeror in due time. Provided that if the acceptance reaches the offeror beyond the time limit because of other reasons, the acceptance shall remain effective, except that, the offeror promptly informs to accept the acceptance because the time limit for acceptance has exceeded.

★ 譯文②避免了譯文①中的問題。





第5條 當事人行使權利、履行義務應當遵循誠實信用原則。

譯文①:Parties shall adhere to the principle of honesty and trustworthiness in exercising their rights and performing their obligations.

譯文②: The parties to the contract shall, in accordance with the principle of good faith, execute the rights and perform the obligations thereof.

★ 譯文①、譯文②:都是以介詞in組成的短語作狀語,譯文①中in表示的是時間和行為范圍,意為在履行義務、行使權利時應當遵循誠信原則。譯文②中in短語是方式狀語,按照誠信的原則去行使權利、履行義務。顯然譯文②中的幅度比譯文①要寬。
★ 譯文②中的狀語短語位置是法律語言中狀語的正常位置,因為最接近所修飾的動詞,杜絕了造成歧義的可能。
★ 譯文①中有可能產生歧義。比如:

I saw him in the classroom.
可以理解為:1. I saw him who was in the classroom.(我可能在教室也可能不在教室)
2. In the classroom I saw him.(他可能在教室也可能不在教室)

第11條 書面形式是指合同書、信件和數據電文(包括電報、電傳、傳真、電子數據交換和電子郵件)等可以有形地表現所載內容的形式。

譯文①:A written form of contract includes agreements, letters and electronic data (including telegrams, telexes, faxes, electronic data exchange and E-mail) displaying the contents of the contract discernibly.

譯文② Written form means the form which shall show has described contents of the contract, such as a written contracted agreement, letters, and data-telex (including telegram, telex, fax, EDI and E-mails).

★ 譯文①中給人造成誤解,一份書面合同需要包含若干材料:信件、電文…….(…….. )等等一大堆東西。接著用一個現在分詞短語來修飾這些名詞,這些東西是用來展示合同內容的。這樣的句子結構傳遞的是錯誤的信息。
★ 譯文②抓住了原文的核心部分即書面形式是有形地表現所載內容的形式,合同書、信件、電文…….只不過是例舉的幾種書面形式。所采用的句構正確地表達了條文內含的信息。所以應該對中文進行“語內譯”,弄明白文字要表述的內容。

第12條 當事人訂立合同,采取要約、承諾方式。

譯文①: When concluding a contract, the parties shall adopt the offer-and-commitment form.

譯文②: The parties shall conclude and enter into a contract in the form of an offer and an acceptance.

★ 譯文①中用when從句的省略句。如畫蛇添足,當事人采取這種形式干什么呢?很不明確。正如when having class he looked outside這句話我們不能理解為他以看著外面的方式上課一樣。
★ 譯文② 以in the form…….作為方式狀語明明白白地說清楚訂立合同的方式。

第17條 要約可以撤回,撤回要約的通知應當在要約到達受要約人之前或者要約同時到達受要約人。

譯文①:If an offer is recalled, the notice of recall should arrive before the offeree receives the offer or at the same time as the arrival of the offer.

譯文②:The offer may be withdraw, if, before or at the same time when an offer arrives, the withdrawal notice reaches the offeree.

★ 譯文①主從句顛倒了,主從復合句中,重點的主要的部分做主句,次要部分做從句。也就是譯文①把主次倒反了。要約可以撤回,但必須符合條件,條件就是撤回要約的通知到達受要人的時間。
★ 譯文②主次擺對了,從句中的狀語位置也對,擺在if與從句主語之間,這樣就使狀語部分牢牢地鎖定從句的動詞,不致于誤認為是主句的狀語。

第18條 要約可以撤銷。撤銷要約的通知應當在受要約人發出承諾通知之前到達受要約人。

譯文①:The offer may be canceled. The notice for canceling an offer should be received by the offeree before he or she issues a commitment notice.

譯文②:If, before the notice of acceptance dispatched by the offeree, the revocation of offer reaches the offeree, the offer may be revoked.

★ 譯文①似乎完全按照中文句子一句一句譯的,這不妥當。中文是意合語言,句子隨意展開,沒有一定句型,譯成英文時,(英文是形合語言)有一定句型,有時需要數句中文歸納到一句英文中去。原文中后一句實際是前一句的條件,沒有這個條件,前一句要約是不可撤銷的。分成兩句譯就把中文的內在聯系切斷了。這句該用條件從句時,譯文①中卻不用從句了。
★ 譯文②中條件從句中的時間從句插在if和從句主語之間是正確的,主從句關系十分明確。

第21條 承諾是受要約人同意要約的意思表示。

譯文①: Commitment means that the offeree agrees to accept the offer.

譯文②:An acceptance means a statement, made by the offeree, to give the assent to an offer.

★ 這句做語內譯后意思很明確承諾是“意思表示”,再用個定語來修飾“意思表示”。 譯文①用3個賓語從句來譯,但沒有譯出真意。
★ 譯文②只用分詞短語和不定式短語把條文表達明白。



[1]單其昌. 漢英翻譯技巧. 外語教學與研究出版社 1990.6.
[2] Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Tenth Edition. Merriam-Webster, Incorporated Springfield,Massachusetts,U.S.A. 1995.
[3] The Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China. Foreign Languages Press.1999
[4] 傅偉良. 英文合同寫作指要. 商務印書館國際有限公司. 2002.1
[5] 國際咨詢工程師聯合會(FIDIC) 土木工程施工合同條件應用指南 航空工業出版社 1991



傅偉良, 北京第二外國語學院 英語系 電話:65710251 郵編:100024 電子信箱:fuweiliang@ sohu.com

Fu Weiliang,English Department, Beijing Second Foreign Language Institute, Beijing 100024; Tel.65710251; E-mail: fuweiliang@ sohu.com



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