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第一章 總 則
 第一條 為加強進出境肉類產品檢驗檢疫及監督管理,保障進出境肉類產品安全衛生,防止動物疫情傳入傳出我國,保護我國農牧業生產安全和人體健康,維護對外貿易信譽,根據《中華人民共和國進出口商品檢驗法》及其實施條例、《中華人民共和國進出境動植物檢疫法》及其實施條例、《中華人民共和國國境衛生檢疫法》及其實施細則和《中華人民共和國食品衛生法》等法律法規的規定,制定本辦法。
 第二條 本辦法適用于對進出境肉類產品的檢驗檢疫及監督管理。
 第三條 本辦法所稱肉類產品是指動物屠體的任何可供人類食用部分,包括胴體、肉類、臟器、副產品以及以上述產品為原料的制品(不含罐頭)。
 第四條 國家質量監督檢驗檢疫總局(以下簡稱國家質檢總局)統一管理全國進出境肉類產品檢驗檢疫和監督管理工作。國家質檢總局設在各地的出入境檢驗檢疫機構(以下簡稱檢驗檢疫機構)負責進出境肉類產品檢驗檢疫和監督管理。
第二章 進境檢驗檢疫
 第五條 向中國輸出肉類產品的國家或者地區政府主管當局應當與國家質檢總局簽訂檢驗檢疫議定書,確定相應的檢驗檢疫要求。檢驗檢疫機構按照檢驗檢疫議定書和中國法律法規的有關規定實施檢驗檢疫。
 第六條 國家質檢總局對向中國出口肉類產品的加工企業實施注冊登記制度。未經國家質檢總局注冊登記的國外加工企業生產的肉類產品不得向中國出口。
 第七條 國家質檢總局對進境肉類產品實行檢疫審批制度。進境肉類產品的貨主應當在貿易合同簽訂前辦理檢疫審批手續,取得進境動植物檢疫許可證。
 第八條 進境肉類產品只能從國家質檢總局指定的口岸進境。進境口岸應當具備下列條件:
 (一) 具有與進境肉類產品數量相適應的存儲冷庫。存儲冷庫的條件應當符合《進境肉類產品存儲冷庫檢驗檢疫要求》(附件)。直屬檢驗檢疫局負責對所轄地區用于存儲進境肉類產品的冷庫實行備案管理;
 (二) 進境口岸的檢驗檢疫機構具備實施進境肉類產品實驗室檢驗檢疫的必要設施,并配備相應的專業技術人員。
 第九條 肉類產品進境前或者進境時,貨主或者其代理人應當持進境動植物檢疫許可證、輸出國家或者地區政府官方簽發的檢驗檢疫證書(正本)、原產地證書、貿易合同、信用證、提單、發票等單證向進境口岸檢驗檢疫機構報檢。
 第十條 檢驗檢疫機構對報檢所提交的單證進行審核,符合要求的,受理報檢,并對審批數量進行核銷。
 第十一條 對裝運進境肉類產品的集裝箱應當在進境口岸檢驗檢疫機構的監督下實施箱體防疫消毒處理。
 第十二條 進境口岸檢驗檢疫機構依照下列規定對肉類產品實施現場檢驗檢疫:
 (一) 核對單證與貨物的名稱、數(重)量、集裝箱號碼、輸出國家或者地區、生產加工廠家名稱或者注冊號、包裝、鉛封號、檢驗檢疫標志或封識等是否相符;
 (二) 檢查集裝箱溫度記錄是否符合要求;
 (三) 查驗包裝:外包裝上應當有明顯的中英文標識,標明品名、規格、產地、生產日期、保質期、儲存溫度、工廠注冊號和目的地等內容,目的地必須注明為中華人民共和國,封口處應當加施一次性檢驗檢疫標識;內包裝必須使用無毒、無害的全新材料,并標明品名、注冊廠號;
 (四) 查驗有無腐敗變質,有無異味、毛、血、糞污等雜質及其它有害雜質。
 第十三條 根據現場檢驗檢疫的情況,對進境肉類產品分別作如下處理:
 (一) 貨證不相符或者不符合我國標準規定的,作退回或者銷毀處理;
 (二) 腐敗變質或者受有害雜質污染的,作退回或者銷毀處理;
 (三) 疑似受病原體污染的,應當立即采樣送檢,并作封存處理。
 第十四條 進境肉類產品經現場檢驗檢疫合格后,運往檢驗檢疫機構指定的儲存冷庫存放。同時,檢驗檢疫機構根據有關規定采樣進行實驗室檢驗。
 第十五條 采樣應當遵守以下要求:
 (一) 采樣時,應當避免樣品被污染;使用專用樣品袋存放樣品,或者直接抽取原包裝;采集的樣品應當保持在與運輸環境近似的溫度下(可放冰內、冰箱的冷盒內或低溫冰箱內保存);
 (二) 采樣后在盛裝樣品的容器或者樣品袋上應當加貼標簽,標明樣品名稱、報檢單號、來源、數量、采樣地點、采樣人及采樣日期等,并出具《抽/采樣憑證》。
 第十六條 實驗室應當對送檢樣品進行感官特性檢驗,檢查其新鮮度、色澤、氣味是否正常;是否有毛、血、糞污等雜質;是否有出血、淤血等,必要時進行揮發性鹽基氮、蒸煮試驗。
 第十七條 對抽取的進境肉類產品樣品進行微生物檢驗,并按照《動物源性食品有毒有害物質殘留監控計劃》對重金屬、農藥殘留、獸藥殘留等理化指標進行監測。
 第十八條 進境口岸檢驗檢疫機構根據檢驗檢疫結果,對進境肉類產品按照出入境檢驗檢疫簽證管理的有關規定作如下處理:
 (一) 經檢驗檢疫合格的,簽發《入境貨物檢驗檢疫證明》,準予生產、加工、使用;
 (二) 經檢驗檢疫不合格的,簽發《檢驗檢疫處理通知書》,在檢驗檢疫機構的監督下,作退回、銷毀或者無害化處理;
 (三) 需要對外索賠的,簽發相關證書。
 第十九條 貨主或者其代理人未取得檢驗檢疫機構出具的《入境貨物檢驗檢疫證明》前,不得擅自轉移、生產、加工、使用進境肉類產品。
第三章 出境檢驗檢疫
 第二十條 出境肉類產品必須經檢驗檢疫機構檢驗檢疫合格,方準出境。
 第二十一條 國家質檢總局對出境肉類產品的生產、加工、存放企業實行注冊登記管理。
 第二十二條 檢驗檢疫機構應當按照下列要求對出境肉類產品實施檢驗檢疫:
 (一) 中國法律、行政法規和國家質檢總局規定的檢驗檢疫要求;
 (二) 中國政府與輸入國家或者地區政府簽訂的雙邊檢驗檢疫協議、議定書、備忘錄等規定的檢驗檢疫要求;
 (三) 輸入國家或者地區檢驗檢疫要求。
 第二十三條 檢驗檢疫機構向出境肉類產品加工企業派出獸醫,對出境肉類產品的生產、加工、倉儲、運輸、出境的全過程進行監督管理。生產、加工、存放企業應當為檢驗檢疫機構派出的獸醫(以下簡稱派出獸醫)提供必要的工作條件。
 (一) 按照檢驗檢疫要求和有關規定對屠宰動物實施宰前、宰后檢驗檢疫;
 (二) 對加工企業生產、加工過程中的安全衛生條件進行監督檢查,并根據檢驗檢疫需要抽樣,送實驗室檢驗;
 (三) 完成國家殘留監控計劃和疫病監測方案中規定的抽樣工作;
 (四) 負責申領和保管出境肉類產品所需檢驗檢疫印章、標志,并做好使用登記。
 第二十四條 貨主或者其代理人應當在出境肉類產品生產、加工前向生產、加工企業所在地檢驗檢疫機構預報檢。
 第二十五條 供屠宰動物應當來自經過檢驗檢疫機構注冊或者備案的飼養場。注冊或者備案工作參照供港澳活動物有關檢驗檢疫管理辦法進行。
 第二十六條 檢驗檢疫機構對宰前動物進行動物疫病監測。沒有《動物產地檢疫合格證明》或者疫情監測、殘留監控不合格的動物不得用于屠宰、加工出境肉類產品。
 第二十七條 出境肉類產品加工企業應當按照國家有關標準及輸入國家或者地區的要求,對微生物和有毒有害物質殘留進行檢測和自控。
 第二十八條 檢驗檢疫機構應當按照本辦法第二十二條的規定對出境肉類產品中微生物和有毒有害殘留物質進行檢測,并對企業的衛生狀況進行監測。
 第二十九條 用于出境肉類產品包裝的材料應當符合衛生標準,包裝箱(袋)上應當按照輸入國家或者地區的要求標明品名、數(重)量、生產企業名稱、注冊編號、生產日期、保質期、保存條件等。需要加施檢驗檢疫印章或者標志的,應當按照有關規定,在派出獸醫的監督下進行。
 第三十條 在派出獸醫監督下生產、加工的肉類產品,由檢驗檢疫機構派出獸醫進行登記,填寫監管記錄,并結合檢測結果,確認生產加工的產品是否符合進境國家或者地區的檢驗檢疫要求。符合要求的,由派出獸醫簽發肉類產品出廠檢驗檢疫合格證明。
 第三十一條 貨主或者其代理人應當在出境肉類產品啟運前,憑派出獸醫簽發的貨物出廠檢驗檢疫合格證明向出境肉類產品生產、加工企業所在地檢驗檢疫機構報檢。
 第三十二條 運輸出境肉類產品的運輸工具必須具備良好的密封性能和制冷設備,保證運輸過程中所需要的溫度條件,其所提供的裝載方式能有效地避免肉類產品受到污染,并在檢驗檢疫機構的監督下進行嚴格的清洗消毒處理。
 第三十三條 檢驗檢疫機構對出境肉類產品的發運實施監裝。出境肉類產品裝運時,檢驗檢疫機構派員對裝運過程進行監督,并填寫監督裝運記錄。
 第三十四條 檢驗檢疫機構對出境肉類產品的出廠檢驗檢疫合格證明、檢測結果報告、監督裝運記錄等進行審核。符合規定的,簽發有關檢驗檢疫證單;不符合規定的,簽發不合格通知單。
 第三十五條 存放出境肉類產品的中轉冷庫應當經所在地檢驗檢疫機構登記,并接受監督管理。
 第三十六條 出境冷凍肉類產品應當在生產加工后6個月內、冰鮮肉類產品應當在生產加工后72小時內出境。輸入國家或者地區政府另有要求的,按照其要求執行。
 第三十七條 國家質檢總局對簽發檢驗檢疫證書的獸醫實行備案管理制度,未經備案的獸醫不得簽發證書。
第四章 附 則
 第三十八條 進出境肉類產品的貨主或者其代理人違反本辦法規定的,由檢驗檢疫機構依照有關法律法規的規定予以處罰。
 第三十九條 檢驗檢疫機構及其工作人員在對進出境肉類產品實施檢驗檢疫和監督管理工作中,應當依照法定職權和法定程序嚴格執法,遵守職業道德,忠于職守,文明服務。違反法律法規及本辦法規定的,由其所在單位或者上級機構按照規定查處。
 第四十條 本辦法由國家質檢總局負責解釋。
 第四十一條 本辦法自2002年10月1日起施行。
 一、 指定存儲冷庫的基本條件:
 (一) 交通、運輸便利、位于進境口岸轄區范圍內,具備有方便搬運的運作空間,冷庫容量達3000噸(來料加工企業自有的冷庫除外)。
 (二) 應當位于無污染源的區域,環境衛生應當符合環保要求,庫區路面應當鋪設水泥并保持平坦不積水。
 (三) 庫房密封,有防蟲、防鼠、防霉設施。
 (四) 庫房溫度應當達到-18℃以下,晝夜溫差不超過1℃。
 (五) 保持無污垢、無異味,環境衛生整潔,布局合理。
 (六) 應當設有溫度自動記錄裝置,庫內應當裝備非水銀溫度計。
 (七) 建立包括以下內容的衛生質量體系:
 1. 衛生質量方針和衛生質量目標;
 2. 組織機構及其職責;
 3. 生產人員管理;
 4. 環境衛生要求;
 5. 冷庫及設施衛生要求;
 6. 儲存、運輸衛生的控制;
 7. 質量記錄控制;
 8. 質量體系內部審核。
 二、 進庫管理
 (一) 指定存儲冷庫對入庫的進境肉類產品需要查驗檢驗檢疫機關出具的《入境貨物通關單》第一聯正本,并保留其復印件。
 (二) 凡有下列情況,一律不許進庫,并及時通知有關檢驗檢疫機構:
 1. 貨證不符、散裝、拼裝或者中性包裝,以及包裝不符合檢驗檢疫規定要求的;
 ;2. 腐敗變質、有異味的。
 (三) 不同產品(包括不同品種、不同產地、不同進庫時間、不同的貨主)不得在庫內的同一區域混合堆放,國內產品不能與進境產品存放于同一庫內。保持過道整潔,不準放置障礙物品。
 (四) 指定存儲冷庫應當建立入庫登記核查制度,指定專人負責管理進境肉類產品的入庫登記(包括貨物資料的登記、貨主資料的登記)、衛生與防疫工作,并配合檢驗檢疫機構的檢疫監督管理。
 (五) 指定存儲冷庫應當填寫《進境肉類產品指定存儲冷庫質量監督管理手冊》,以備檢驗檢疫機構核查。
 (六) 指定存儲冷庫如發現有非法進境的肉類產品,應當及時向檢驗檢疫機構報告。
 三、 出庫管理:
 (一) 指定存儲冷庫對出庫的進境肉類產品需要查驗檢驗檢疫機關出具的《入境貨物檢驗檢疫證明》第一聯正本,并保留復印件。
 (二) 產品出庫時,由專人負責做好出庫登記。
 (三) 產品出庫后及時清理殘留物并進行有效的消毒處理。
 四、 監督管理
 (一) 指定存儲冷庫應當為檢驗檢疫人員提供必要的檢驗檢疫和監督管理設施。
 (二) 指定存儲冷庫的監督管理工作由直屬檢驗檢疫機構組織實施,其內容包括:定期或者不定期派員到指定存儲冷庫檢查存儲、出入庫登記、質量體系的運行、遵守檢驗檢疫法律法規等情況,包括有無存放非法進境肉類產品、發現非法進境肉類產品不如實向檢驗檢疫機構報告以及存放期間擅自開拆或者損毀檢驗檢疫標志、封識等情況。
 (三) 檢驗檢疫機構在檢查時,發現有違反有關規定的,應當責令其限期改正;情節嚴重的,可以警告、暫停存儲進境肉類產品或者取消指定存儲冷庫資格。
 (四) 指定存儲冷庫每月將上月出入庫進境肉類產品的統計表報檢驗檢疫機關,并接受檢驗檢疫機關核查。
 (五) 指定存儲冷庫修繕或者因其他情況需要改變結構時,應當取得檢驗檢疫機構的同意,并在其指導下作好防疫工作。
 (六) 進境肉類產品出入庫裝卸過程中的廢棄物,應當按照檢驗檢疫機構的要求,集中在指定地點作無害化處理。
 (七) 檢驗檢疫機構依法對指定存儲冷庫實施檢疫監督時,冷庫負責人應當密切配合,不得隱瞞情況或者拒絕接受檢查。
    國家質量監督檢驗檢疫總局 2002年8月22日 頒布

Measures for the Administration of the Inspection and Quarantine of Meat Products at Entry and Exit
Order [2002] No. 26 of the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine
August 22, 2002
Chapter I General Rules
 Article 1 The present Measures have been formulated on the basis of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Inspection of Import and Export Commodities and the regulations for the implementation thereof, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Quarantine of Animals and Plants at Entry and Exit and the regulations for the implementation thereof, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Frontier Hygiene and Quarantine and the detailed rules for the implementation thereof, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Food Hygiene and other relevant laws and regulations for the purpose of reinforcing the inspection, quarantine and supervision of meat products at entry and exit, ensuring the security and hygiene of meat products at entry and exit, preventing epidemic diseases of animals from entering into our country, protecting the security of production of agriculture and animal husbandry as well as the health of people, and maintaining the reputation of foreign trade.
 Article 2 The present Measures shall be applicable to the inspection, quarantine and supervision of meat products at entry and exit.
 Article 3 The term “meat products” as mentioned in the present Measures refers to any part of the slaughtered animal that is edible for the humans, including the body, meat, viscera, byproducts, and products made of the aforementioned products as raw materials (excluding cans).
 Article 4 The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the State (hereafter “the General Administration”) takes charge of the unified administration of the inspection, quarantine and supervision of meat products at entry and exit of the whole country. The institutions of entry and exit inspection and quarantine set up by the General Administration at all places (hereafter “inspection and quarantine institutions”) shall be responsible for the inspection, quarantine and supervision of meat products at entry and exit.
Chapter II Inspection and Quarantine at Entry and Exit
 Article 5 The administrative authority of the government of the country or region that exports meat products to China shall enter into a protocol of inspection and quarantine with the General Administration so as to determine the corresponding requirements for inspection and quarantine. The inspection and quarantine institutions shall implement inspection and quarantine according to the protocols of inspection and quarantine and the relevant provisions of the laws and regulations of China.
The General Administration may, where it is necessary, send people to the countries or regions that export meat products to China to make preliminary inspections.
 Article 6 The processing enterprises that export meat products to China shall be subject to registration at the General Administration. The foreign processing enterprises that fail to be registered at the General Administration may not export their meat products to China.
 Article 7 The General Administration adopts the system of quarantine approval to the meat products that enters into China. The consignor of entry meat products shall go through quarantine approval formalities and obtain a license for entry animal and plant quarantine before concluding a trade contract.
 Article 8 Entry meat products can only enter into China at the ports designated by the General Administration. An entry port shall meet the following conditions:
 (1) Having refrigerated warehouses that suit the quantity of entry meat products. The conditions of the refrigerated warehouses shall conform to the Inspection and Quarantine Requirements of Refrigerated Warehouses for Entry Meat Products (see annex). The inspection and quarantine administrations directly under the General Administration administers the refrigerated warehouses for storing entry meat products within their respective jurisdictions by way of archivist files.
 (2) The inspection and quarantine institutions at entry ports shall have laboratory facilities necessary for the inspection and quarantine of meat products and shall be equipped with corresponding professional personnel.
 Article 9 Before or when meat products enter into China, the consignor or the agent thereof shall report to the inspection and quarantine institutions at the entry port for inspection and quarantine by presenting relevant documents, including its license for the quarantine of entry animals and plants, (the original copy of ) the inspection and quarantine certificates issued by the authorities of the government of the exporting country or region, the certificate of origin, trade contracts, letters of credit, bills of lading, invoices, etc.
 Article 10 The inspection and quarantine institutions shall examine the documents submitted for inspection and quarantine, and if they find that the documents are eligible, they shall accept the request for inspection, and write off the quantities that have been approved.
If there is no certificate of inspection and quarantine issued by the authorities of the exporting country or region or if the certificates of inspection and quarantine do not meet the requirements, and if there is no valid licenses for the quarantine of entry meat products, they shall be returned or destroyed.
 Article 11 The containers that carry entry meat products shall be subject to sterilization for preventing epidemics under the supervision of the inspection and quarantine institutions at the entry port. No entry meat product may be unloaded from the transportation vehicles without the approval of the inspection and quarantine institutions.
 Article 12 The inspection and quarantine institutions at entry port shall execute inspections and quarantines on the spot according to the following provisions:
 (1) Checking whether the documents are in identity with the name, quantity (weight), serial number of the container, the exporting country or region, the name of the processing factory, or with the registration number, packaging, lead sealing number, inspection and quarantine mark or sealing label of the products;
 (2) Checking whether the temperature records of the containers are in conformity with the relevant requirements;
 (3) Checking the packing: on the outside of the packages there should be eye-catching labels written in Chinese and English, indicating the name, specifications, place of production, date of production, term of quality guarantee, temperature for storage, factory registration number, destination, etc. The destination must be the People's Republic of China, and there should be a one-time-use label of inspection and quarantine at the encapsulation. The inner package must be made from innocuous and harmless new materials and shall indicate the name of the product and the factory registration number;
 (4) Checking whether there is any sign of going bad or putridity, whether there is impure substances such as peculiar smell, hairs, blood, ordure, etc. or other harmful impure substances.
 Article 13 The entry meat products may, according to the result of on-spot inspections and quarantines, dealt with in the following ways:
 (1) If the products are not in identity with the documents or if they do not meet the standards of our country, they shall be returned or destroyed;
 (2) If the products have gone bad or have been contaminated by harmful impure substances, they shall be returned or destroyed;
 (3) If the products are suspect of being contaminated by pathogens, samples shall be taken for test and the products shall be sealed up for further disposal.
 Article 14 The entry meat products shall, upon passing the on-spot inspection and quarantine, be carried to the refrigerated warehouses designated by the inspection and quarantine institutions for storage. In the meanwhile, the inspection and quarantine institutions shall take samples to make laboratory inspections according to relevant provisions.
 Article 15 The following requirements shall be met in sampling:
 (1) The samples shall avoid being polluted in the process of sampling. Special sampling bags shall be used for storing samples or the samples shall be taken with the original packaging. The samples collected shall be kept in a temperature similar to the environment of transportation (may be kept in ice or the cold boxes of the refrigerators or low-temperature refrigerators);
 (2) Labels shall be affixed to the container or sampling bag that contains the samples, indicating the name of the samples, number of the inspection form, source, quantity, place of sampling, samplers, and date of sampling, etc., and a Voucher of Sampling shall be issued.
 Article 16 Laboratories shall inspect the sensory features of the samples to see if the freshness, color and odor are normal, whether there is any impure substance such as blood, hair, or ordure, etc, whether there are hemorrhages or gore. Where it is necessary, tests of volatile basic nitrogen (VBN) or braising and steaming may be made.
 Article 17 Microbial tests shall be made to the samples of entry meat products and monitors shall be conducted with regard to the physical and chemical indexes such as heavy metals, pesticide remnants, remnants of animal remedies according to the Plan for Controlling Remnants of Harmful Substances in Animal-originated Foods.
The microbiological inspection of meat products include mandatory inspection of the total number of bacteria, salmonellosis, pathogenic colibacillus (including O157 and O157: H7) as well as monitory inspections of listeria monocytogenes, campylobacteriosis, etc. Mandatory inspection of staphylococcus aureus shall also be made to meat products.
According to the situation of epidemic diseases of animals in the exporting country or region, relevant pathogenic and parasitic inspections shall also be made to the meat products that may have been affected by zoonoses or parasites.
 Article 18 The inspection and quarantine institutions of the entry ports shall, on the basis of the results of inspections and quarantines, deal with the entry meat products according to the relevant provisions concerning the administration of licenses for entry and exit inspection and quarantine in the following ways:
 (1) If the meat products have passed the inspection and quarantine, a Certificate of Inspection and Quarantine for Entry Goods shall be issued to approve the production, processing and use thereof;
 (2) If the meat products fail to pass the inspection and quarantine, a Notice of Disposal for Inspection and Quarantine shall be issued so as to return, destroy or conduct innocent treatment to the meat products under the supervision of the inspection and quarantine institutions;
 (3) Where it is necessary to claim damages against foreign parties, relevant certificates shall be issued.
 Article 19 Before obtaining a Certificate of Inspection and Quarantine for Entry Goods issued by the inspection and quarantine institutions, the consignor or the agent thereof may not transfer, produce, process or use the entry meat products.
Chapter III Exit Inspection and Quarantine
 Article 20 Exit meat products must be pass the inspections and quarantines of the inspection and quarantine institutions before exiting the territory.
 Article 21 The General Administration administers the production, processing, and storage of exit meat products by way of registration.
 Article 22 The inspection and quarantine institutions shall carry out inspections and quarantines to exit meat products according to the requirements as mentioned below:
 (1) The laws and administrative regulations of China and the requirements of inspection and quarantine as provided by the General Administration;
 (2) The requirements of inspection and quarantine as provided in the agreements, protocols, or memorandums entered into by the Government of the People's Republic of China and the exporting country or region;
 (3) The requirements of inspection and quarantine of the exporting country or region.
 Article 23 Inspection and quarantine institutions shall send veterinarians to the enterprises processing exit meat products so as to supervise and administer the whole process of producing, processing, storing, transporting, and exiting of exit meat products. The enterprises that produce, process or store meat products shall provide necessary working conditions for the veterinarians sent by the inspection and quarantine institutions.
The major duties and functions of the veterinarians are:
 (1) Conducting pre-slaughter and post-slaughter inspections and quarantines to the animals to be slaughtered according to the requirements of inspection and quarantine and relevant provisions.
 (2) Supervising and inspecting the safety and hygiene conditions of the processing enterprises in the process of production and processing, and, where it necessary to collect samples, send samples to the laboratory for inspections;
 (3) Fulfilling the duty of sampling as provided in the plans of the state concerning the monitor of remnants and epidemic diseases;
 (4) Being responsible for applying for and keeping the seals and labels needed for the inspection and quarantine of exit meat products, and make records of them.
 Article 24 The consignor or agent thereof shall, before producing or processing exit meat products, make preliminary declarations of inspection to the inspection and quarantine institutions of the place where the production or processing enterprise is located.
The inspection and quarantine institutions shall, after accepting the preliminary declaration for inspection, examine and confirm the requirements of inspection and quarantine, and make investigations about the surroundings of the production or processing enterprises, the situation of animal epidemic diseases of the place where the slaughtered animals come from, and the use of pesticides and animal remedies. Approval to production or processing may not granted until the requirements for export have been met.
 Article 25 The animals to be slaughtered shall come from the farms that have been registered at or placed on the file of the inspection and quarantine institutions. The relevant measures for the administration of inspection and quarantine of animals to be provided to Hong Kong and Macao shall be referred to in the registration or placing on files.
The breeding of animals to be slaughtered shall be subject to the administration of the production and processing enterprises of exit meat products by way of “five unified administrations” (to wit, unified provision of young chickens, piglets, etc., unified quarantine and sterilization, unified provision of fodder, unified use of medicines, and unified purchase and slaughter). Before taking the animals out of the farm, one shall have obtained a certificate of inspection and quarantine issued by the inspection and quarantine institution of the place where the farm is situated, and the processing factory of exit meat products may conduct the slaughter and processing upon the certificate of the inspection and quarantine institution where it is located.
 Article 26 Inspection and quarantine institutions shall monitor the animal epidemic diseases before the slaughtering of animals. Without a Certificate of Passing the Quarantine of Origin of Animals or without passing the monitor of epidemic diseases or the control of remnants, no animal may be slaughtered and processed as exit meat products.
Non-fed animals to be slaughtered shall pass quarantines and pass the inspection of harmful and noxious remnants and substances before being slaughtered.
 Article 27 The processing enterprises of exit meat products shall conduct inspections and self-control of microbes and harmful and noxious substances and remnants according to the relevant standards of the state as well as the requirements of the importing country or region.
 Article 28 The inspection and quarantine institutions shall make inspections of microbes and harmful and noxious substances and remnants to the exit meat products and monitor the hygiene of the enterprises according to the provisions of Article 22 of the present Measures.
 Article 29 The materials to be used for packing exit meat products shall meet the standards of hygiene, and on the packaging boxes (bags) it shall be indicated, according to the requirements of the importing country or region, the name of product, quantity (weight), name of the producing enterprise, registration number, date of production, term of quality guaranty, conditions for storage, etc. Where it is necessary to affix the seal or label of inspection and quarantine, it shall be done according to relevant provisions and under the supervision of veterinarians.
 Article 30 Meat products produced or processed under the supervision of veterinarians shall be registered by the veterinarians send by the inspection and quarantine institutions who shall fill in the records of supervision, and on the basis of the inspection results, confirm whether the products are in conformity with the requirements of inspection and quarantine of the importing country or region. If they meet the requirements, a certificate of passing inspection and quarantine shall be issued by the veterinarian for shipment.
 Article 31 The consignor or agent thereof shall, before transporting the exit meat products, make a declaration of inspection to the inspection and quarantine institution of the place where the enterprise that has produced or processed the exit meat products by presenting the certificate of passing inspection and quarantine for shipment issued by the veterinarians.
 Article 32 The means of transportation for carrying exit meat products must be equipments with excellent airproof and refrigerating performances so as to ensure the temperature required for transportation, and the way of loading shall be able to effectively prevent the meat products from contamination and cleaning and sterilization shall be carried out under the rigid supervision of the inspection and quarantine institutions.
 Article 33 The inspection and quarantine institutions shall supervise the loading of exit meat products for shipment. When exit meat products are loaded, the inspection and quarantine institutions shall send staff members to supervise the whole process of loading and fill in the records of loading supervision.
The inspection and quarantine institutions may, where it is necessary, affix labels or seals of inspection and quarantine to the exit meat products, packaging containers, means of transportation, etc. that have passed the inspection and quarantine according to relevant provisions.
 Article 34 The inspection and quarantine institutions shall examine the certificate of passing inspection and quarantine, report of inspection results, records of supervision of loading, etc. of exit meat products. If the relevant provisions are met, relevant documents of inspection and quarantine shall be issued; if the relevant provisions are not met, a notice of failing the inspection and quarantine shall be issued.
 Article 35 The transit refrigerated warehouses for storing exit meat products shall be subject to registration at the inspection and quarantine institution of the place where they are located and shall accept the supervision and administration thereof.
When exit meat products arrive at the transit refrigerated warehouses, a declaration shall be made to the inspection and quarantine institution of the place where they are located. The inspection and quarantine institution of the place where the transit refrigerated warehouse is located shall supervise that they are put into the warehouses by way of the certificates of inspection and quarantine issued by the inspection and quarantine institutions where the production and processing enterprises are located.
When exit meat products are taken out of the warehouses, the certificates shall be exchanged by the inspection and quarantine institutions of the place where the transit warehouses are located.
 Article 36 Refrigerant exit meat products shall be carried out of the territory within 6 months after they are produced or processed, and iced fresh meat products shall be carried out of the territory within 72 hours after they are produced or processed. Where the government of the importing country or region has different requirements, such requirements shall be implemented.
 Article 37 The General Administration practices the system of administration by way of archivist files to the veterinarians to whom certificates of inspection and quarantine have been issued.
Chapter IV Supplementary Provisions
 Article 38 Any consignor or agent thereof of entry and exit meat products who violates the provisions of the present Measures shall be punished by the inspection and quarantine institutions according to the provisions of relevant laws and regulations.
 Article 39 The inspection and quarantine institutions and the staff members thereof shall, when executing inspections and quarantines as well supervision and administration to the entry and exit meat products, rigidly enforce the law according to the statutorily prescribed duties and functions and statutory procedures, observe professional ethics, be devoted to their duties and providing services politely. Any one who violates the provisions of the laws or regulations or the present Measures shall be investigated by the entity or superior organ that he belongs according to relevant provisions.
 Article 40 The power to interpret the present Measures shall remain with the State General Administration of Quality Inspection.
 Article 41 The present Measures shall enter into force as of October 1, 2002.
Inspection and Quarantine Requirements of Refrigerated Storage Warehouses Designated for Entry Meat Products
 I. The basic conditions of the designated refrigerated storage warehouses:
 1. They should be conveniently located and within the jurisdiction of the entry port, have operation spaces that facilitate carriage, and the volume of the refrigerated warehouse should be up to 3,000 tons (except the refrigerated warehouses owned by the enterprises processing with materials supplied by customers;
 2. They must be located within the area without sources of pollution, the hygiene of the environment should meet the requirements for protecting the environment, and the road surface of the warehouses should be paved with cement and be smooth and not subject to water accumulations.
 3. The warehouses are airtight and equipped with facilities for preventing worms, mice and mildew proof;
 4. The temperature of the warehouses shall remain under ?18℃, and the difference in temperature between the day and night shall be less than 1 ℃;
 5. There shall not be any dirt, strange odor, and they shall be neat and clean, and properly arranged;
 6. They shall be automatic temperature recording equipments, and inside the warehouses there shall be non-mercury thermometers;
 7. A sanitation and quality system shall be set up that includes the following elements:
 a. guiding policies of sanitation and quality as well as the target of sanitation and quality;
 b. institutions and the duties thereof;
 c. administration of production personnel;
 d. requirements of environmental sanitation;
 e. sanitation requirements of the refrigerated warehouses and equipments;
 f. control of storage and transportation sanitation;
 g. quality recording control;
 h. interior inspection of the quality system.
 II. Administration of delivery into warehouses
 1. For the meat products that are required to be stored in the designated refrigerated warehouses, the original of the first sheet of the Document of Customs Clearance of Entry Goods as issued by the inspection and quarantine institutions shall be subject to inspection and a photocopy thereof shall be kept;
 2. If any of the following circumstances occurs, none of the goods may be put into the warehouses, and the inspection and quarantine institutions shall be informed without delay:
 a. The documents are not in conformity with the goods or the good are unpacked, assembled or neutrally packed, or the packing does not meet the requirements of inspection and quarantine;
 b. The goods have gone bad or have strange odor.
 3. Different products (including different brands, different places of origin, different time of putting into the warehouse, and different consignors) shall not be mixed and piled in a same area of the warehouses. The home products may not be stored in a same warehouse with entry products. The corridors shall be kept clean and nothing may be placed in the way;
 4. The designated warehouses of storage shall have a system of inspection of registration for delivery into the warehouses, and special persons shall be designated to take charge of the warehousing registration of entry meat products (including the registration of the information about the goods and the consignor), the sanitation and quarantine as well as the supervision and quarantine work of the inspection and quarantine institutions.
 5. For delivery into the designated refrigerated warehouses, the Handbook for the Quality Supervision of Entry Meat Products Stored in Designated Refrigerated Warehouses shall be filled in for the inspection and verification of the inspection and quarantine institutions.
 6. In case any unlawfully imported meat products are found in any designated refrigerated warehouse, it shall be reported to the inspection and quarantine institutions without delay.
 III. Administration of delivery out of warehouses
 1. For the entry meat products that are delivered out of the designated refrigerated warehouses, the original of the first sheet of the Certificate of Inspection and Quarantine of Entry Goods as issued by the inspection and quarantine institutions shall be subject to inspection and a photocopy thereof shall be kept;
 2. When products are delivered out of the warehouses, a special person shall take charge of the registration of delivery out of the warehouses;
 3. After products are delivered out of the warehouses, the remnants thereof shall be cleaned away and effective sterilization shall be done in good time.
 IV. Supervision
 1. The designated refrigerated warehouses shall provide necessary inspection and quarantine as well as supervision facilities to the inspection and quarantine personnel;
 2. The supervision of the designated warehouses shall be done by the inspection and quarantine institutions directly under the General Administration, which shall include: to send staff members regularly or irregularly to the designated warehouses to inspect the storage, registration of delivery into and out of the warehouses, the operation of the quality system, the compliance to the laws and regulations concerning inspection and quarantine, etc; to see whether unlawfully imported meat products are stored therein, whether they have failed to report to the inspection and quarantine institutions about unlawfully imported meat products, and whether the goods have been unpacked without authorization or the labels or seals of inspection and quarantine have been destroyed during the storage of the products;
 3. If, in the process of inspections, the inspection and quarantine institution finds out any violation of the relevant provisions, it shall order the offender to mend up within a prescribed period of time. If the circumstances are serious, it may give a warning or suspend the storage or the entry meat products or cancel the qualifications of the designated refrigerated warehouses.
 4. The designated warehouses shall report its monthly statistical statements of entry meat products that are delivered into and out of the warehouses of the preceding month to the inspection and quarantine institutions and shall accept the inspection of the inspection and quarantine institutions;
 5. To mend or change the structure of the designated refrigerated warehouses due to other reasons, approval of the inspection and quarantine institutions shall be obtained and a good job shall be done in quarantine under the guidance thereof;
 6. The wastes that are produced in the process of delivering entry meat products into or out of the warehouses shall be destroyed in harmless ways at designated places as pursuant to the requirements of the inspection and quarantine institutions concerned;
 7. When the inspection and quarantine institutions effects quarantine supervisions to the designated refrigerated warehouses, the persons-in-charge of the warehouses shall give cooperation and may not conceal anything or refuse the inspections.
    Promulgated by The State General Administration of Quality Supervision Inspection and Quarantine on 2002-8-22 


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